Are You New to the Lay of the Land?

When I first started thinking and praying into this topic, the first thought I had come to mind was towards new believers.

God asked me, what would I want my kids to know? How should a relationship with me look like and what really matters as they begin this journey, this new life with me?

The words “show them” and “tell them who I am” came to mind. So that is what I am praying, that the Holy Spirit speaks to you as we assess the lay of the land of Christianity.

As always, Jesus is the best teacher, and the picture that came to mind was a map of His travels. He traveled to us, to the lost, and to the ones who hearts were open to Him. He traveled straight into the heart of the Samaritan cities and said of them, that the harvest was ripe. I believe that is what He is speaking today. He is speaking to his disciples and letting them know that right now, the harvest of souls is ripe to be picked to usher into the Kingdom of Heaven. God is calling us to partner with Him and be His workers so that we can share the love of Jesus to the hurting, broken, and marginalized in society. 

You might not know the journey of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, but there were a lot of ups and downs. They were once slaves in Egypt and Moses led them out into the desert where they wandered for 40 years as God worked on their hearts and really prepared them to take over the land he had promised their ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God allowed them to take the promised land piece by piece, as they fought off the inhabitants currently living there. He did not give it to them all at once, because they wouldn’t have been able to keep it nor sustain the land that was already full of crops, animals, houses, and cities.

This is really, I believe, how our journey with God is. He does not reveal all things to us at once. He reveals His character piece by piece as we sit with Him and read of Him in His word. As we begin our relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit reveals more and more of himself to us. We can start hearing his voice and as we do, He begins to work on our hearts. Thus, changing us from the inside out.

If all things were revealed to us and if God showed us all the good things He has prepared for us, we would not be able to sustain all His promises. We aren’t patient by nature, we would want to jump ahead or take the short cut to get there. When God is truly all about the journey, making sure you are prepared to handle that gift, that knowledge, that position, that correction, etc. Just like the Israelites, He always gave them just what they needed, and knew the perfect timing of when they could step into all that He had promised them.

Trust Jesus and know that He only has “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

As you continue your journey with the Lord, you will stop and assess the lay of the land often. You might question what you read, hear, and even your fellow believers. You might question why God put you through that situation or circumstance.

It’s OK, God still loves you, even in the midst of your assessing. Just remember as you go through these seasons with God, God is love (1 John 4:16) and that you are loved by God. That He has forgiven us of our sins (Romans 5:8) and that when the Father looks at you, He doesn’t see your sin, but his Son, Jesus. You have been set free by the blood of the lamb and you don’t have to walk in sin and shame anymore. For Jesus is the light of the world and no darkness can overcome it. 

Remember God is not after what you know, but only after your heart. You are not in a race competing amongst other Christians to see who can recite the most scripture or be able to participate in deep theological conversations. No, God is after you and your worship. He wants to sit with you and rest with you. It is a journey and everyday choose Him to lead it. Trust in Him that he holds you safely in the palm of His hands. 

Read the Bible. It is the only living, breathing document. The only God breathed words that can change your life and speak to you in every season and in every circumstance. Meditate on the words of life and life will flow out of abundance in and through you. 

Jump into community. You are not meant to take this journey alone. God has always wanted you to be around his other children that can encourage you, speak life over you, and point you back to Him. You need people to live out your God-given purpose because we were always his plan A to share the gospel. I know community can be scary and uncomfortable. It can lead to pain and hurt, but God has called you to it and I promise He will bless it as immeasurable joy comes from the Holy Spirit as you grow in deep relationships with other believers who are united, walking together in the name of Jesus. 

Serve, get off the sidelines and into the game. You are needed and God will change you as you do it. 

Don’t ever get complacent. Don’t lose the fire deep in your soul. God has called you to a power-filled life. Bill Johnson says, “I am no longer content to live as I am”. Get to that place and you will live a crazy adventurous life with Jesus. You need the Holy Spirit, make sure you get all of Him!

Don’t give up, keep on fighting. Dig in deep, for God has called you to the trenches to be his feet that carry the gospel. Bring your testimony with you wherever you go. Get fired up! Be full of joy. I pray people are in awe of who is living on the inside of you. Show them Jesus and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

A Thankful Song to Jesus

Jesus your sweetness melts my heart. Like honey, you soothe me from the pain and discomfort of this world.

Even in the turbulent seasons, I am at peace. My soul rests in you.

Tears of joy and pure contentment fall from my eyelashes as I sit in your presence. I feel you stirring me to more.

I may look like a fool, but no one could deny the light within me as they sit and stare at your beauty and majesty. You put me in awe.

I’m crazy for you abba! You have my heart. You have every part of me. I will sing of you for all my days.

How great thou art! How great thou art! Even in the dark, cold winter, you set me ablaze!

Abba, I kneel before you with my hands lifted high in awe and wonder of you. I worship you! I surrender my life to you! I am here. I am listening. 

Holy Spirit, you just make me cry. I can’t even find words to describe it. You just are. You are all.

My inner man is alive. You make me smile. Can there be anything sweeter?

You make me laugh like a little child. Is there anything more precious to your ears?

Lord, I want to glow. I want to glow because you fully have your way within me.

Oh daughter, the riches of this world compare not to the richness of my love.

My garments are lighter and freer than anything sewn by the hands of men.

My jewels are greater than anything mined from the dirt of the earth.

My palaces are more magnificent than any structure built from even the brightest of minds.

In vivid colors I show you my majestic splendor.

You weep because you have never seen anything so beautiful.

When you look upon my face one day your knees will drop to the ground as you lift your hands, worshipping me because of the purity and grace that shines all around me. My greatness and goodness is an all consuming fire.

For then you will fully see, as what has been hidden from you becomes unveiled. We will laugh as my life-giving water can’t be contained within you!

You will cry out in adoration! You will cry out and with a mighty shout declare me worthy!

Worthy worthy worthy are you Lord! The lamb that was slain! Holy holy holy the one who was and is to come! 


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