Are You Ready to Take the Next Big Step in Your Life?

There are many times in our life we ask, "Am I Ready For This." Whether it be marriage, having kids, starting a new job, or moving to a new place, the list could go on and on. How do you truly know when you’re ready to take the next big step in your journey to a fulfilling life?

Let’s talk about it.

Here are a few simple thoughts to help prepare your heart and mind for taking on your daunting decisions.A. Look for ConfirmationHas the big step been confirmed either prior to or after it came up?B. Find Peace living with itHaving peace doesn’t mean you go on your merry way without striving. Peace simply means you can find rest at the end of each day, and living with your decision to say "yes" brings you joy.

  • Strive: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
  • Peace: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.

C. Live in JoyThe Bible says, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13 (NIV)

What does this mean?

Does all this mean if you suddenly and unexpectedly find out you’re pregnant or that you have to relocate for work that your overwhelming joy will extinguish any fear or concerns you may have? Absolutely not. However, your trust in the Lord should bring you peace through all your valid concerns and thoughts.

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Finally, when you want to know if you’re ready for your next big step, ask yourself these two things:

1. Will you still love it after it no longer shines?

What do I mean? I mean, once that new shiny toy has lost its luster, do you love it even more than before? It’s ok to not like something for a moment, but you can still choose to love it at the end of the day. Are you still madly and passionately in love with your significant other after that ring has lost its shine? Do you still love that little baby after their cry is no longer cute at 2:30 in the morning?

[easy-tweet tweet="External things will fade but your internal love and passion must not only remain, but grow stronger with each passing day." via="no" usehashtags="no"]

Your significant other will not have a twenty year old body when you’re in your fifties. However, you can still choose to sacrifice anything for them at any moment. Your baby’s diapers will begin to smell, and they will most likely spit up on you right as you’re about to head out the door. Will you still love them after the drool has dried? One day you will no longer be the new employee who has made no mistakes, life will happen, and the hype of your appearance at the office will no longer be the most talked about thing. Will you still put 100 percent into everything you do and respect the authority placed over you along the way?

2. Are you willing to humble yourself and sacrifice for it?

When your significant other has a job change, will you pack up your life, leave your home, and possibly friends and family for them? When your baby is crying in pain in the middle of the night, will you stay up all night just to comfort them, even though you have to work the next day? Or how about when your boss moves up your deadline requiring you to work after hours, will you still put your best effort into that task?Are you willing to give up your own free time, sleep, or even desires in order to take the next big step in your life?Amidst your valid concerns and questions, if you really want to know if you’re ready for something, ask yourself if you will still choose to love it no matter what, and how much are you willing to sacrifice for that specific thing.

“Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” - Luke 13:24 (ESV)

With these thoughts in mind, now I ask you, are you ready for this?Comment below!


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