How to Beat Burnout this Summer

Have you ever wished that summer break was mandatory for everyone? I certainly have, but wishful thinking gets us nowhere. However, those of us who work year-round can still find ways to beat burnout. Burnout is real.

Clear the calendar to avoid looming burnout

This item is the hardest for me. No matter how much I try, my weekly calendar (not counting work obligations) looks like ink exploded all over it.The only tip that seems to work is scheduling mandatory "do-not-disturb" time. If someone asks for that time, we can respond, "Sorry, but my calendar is booked."It's not a lie. We've set aside intentional time for ourselves (and our families), and, honestly, that's a very good thing.

Do something spontaneous

Recently after a long work day, I climbed onto my bike and rode several miles on the trail by my house. It wasn't my planned workout. I just needed to get away from my desk and do something different. Simple bike rides do wonders for burnout.The great part about spontaneity is that it doesn't have to be expensive but can be as simple as driving to the beach to catch a summer sunset or dipping into the community pool in the evening.A little variety, a relaxed pace, and a change of scenery can do much to refresh our minds.

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Find a quiet place

Our lives are so stimulus-driven. The television drones during breakfast or in the break room. Our phone chirps with a dozen or more social media notifications, or we jam with the radio in the car.None of those things are necessarily bad but often pose distractions and needless noise. Instead, find a quiet place to read, spend time in prayer, or write a list of goals or all the reasons you're grateful. Great ways to not stress over burnout. Gratitude itself can go a long way in refocusing our thoughts away from life's frazzle to the blessings we often take for granted.Find a quiet place to read, spend time in prayer, or write a list of goals or all the reasons you're grateful.


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