How I Became Free By Quitting My Pursuit of Personal Perfection
Making yourself perfect isn't possible. In fact, it'll lead you to a place of bondage. Here's how I became free by quitting trying to be perfect.
How Rest is a Weapon That You Should Take Advantage Of
Rest truly is a weapon, most of us don't realize its power until we burn out, but we can be proactive about our rest.
Slowing Down to Explore The Benefits of Proper Rest
Why the addiction to being busy? It does become an addiction. We have lost the art of slowing down and enjoying the seemingly insignificant moments of life.
7 Highly Effective Ways To Avoid Burnout [The Christian Way]
Burnout is crippling, everyone knows that and does their best to avoid it. Here are 7 ways for a Christian to avoid burnout.
Godly Self-Care: Choosing Rest and Life
Just as God chose to rest on the seventh day, we have a responsibility to practice self-care so we can more fully love those around us.
How to Beat Burnout this Summer
Have you ever wished that summer break was mandatory for everyone? I certainly have, but wishful thinking gets us nowhere. However, those of us who work year-round can still find ways to beat burnout.
What It Means to Fight for Rest and Why it Matters
In the Kingdom, we experience God's salvation through faith. In the Kingdom, it’s not about earning His favor, rather it’s about believing that we already have it through Jesus Christ.
How to Rest Well: Understanding the Sabbath
In our culture, we are encouraged to work and strive continuously, but in Jesus, we find rest for our spirits as we recognize that He is in control.
What Rest Really Means and Why You Need to Take it Seriously
Our days have become full of things to do and things to plan. If I can sum all of that up into one word if would be "busy." But what about rest?
How To Choose What is Better - Worship Over Work
We all have long to do lists, but we get to choose if we will spend our time in worship or working and striving. God longs for relationship with us.
Feeling Tired and Weary? Here a 3 Practical Ways to Rest In God
Without rest we’ll burn out. If you're spiritually drained or overwhelmed it’s likely because you are not resting in God.
Mommy, Swing with Me
“Mommy, Swing with Me” is a very simple principle that God has taught me. Enter His rest instead of running full speed through life.
3 Key Ways to Hear God's Voice [Video]
Hearing God's voice is a topic that is becoming more searched and more questioned. When it comes down to it, people aren't sure HOW to hear God's voice. This post will discuss 3 keys for hearing God's voice. Along with a link to a video with more on the topic.