Don't Get Blown Away

Who do you let control you?  Are you more of a non-confrontational person or do you take charge?  Do you adjust your plan based on things around you or force those other things to adjust to you?Example #1: CarImagine yourself driving when it is really windy outside.  Have you ever felt your car shift as a result of the wind?  I live in Florida, so this happens while crossing bridges quite often around the beach area.  When this happens, and I feel my car starting to shift, I grasp my steering wheel a little tighter and make sure that I stay in my lane and don't allow the wind to affect me or the safety of any of those around me.Example #2: Golf (Had to have a golf example in here)Wind is a major obstacle in golf.  When a golf ball is in the air, the wind can affect is path significantly.  There are ways to deal with this, and a challenge for many golfers.  But the challenge is accepted by creating different shot shapes and using the wind to help you in certain situations.  While it can definitely hurt you, it can also help.So What is Your Point???The NegativeBoth of these examples are different, but they both carry a similar theme.  Wind is something that we cannot control.  It is something that we have to deal with as being a part of this world.  If not careful, it can seriously affect what you are doing and alter the path you were planning to take.The PositiveWhile we may not be able to control the wind, we have been given the ability to adjust to it, and sometimes even use it to our advantage.  All we have to do is recognize and know that the wind has the ability to change our path, and adjust to it, or fight through it.The Take-AwaySatan puts many things in our path in each of our lives to do a very similar thing.  He wants to alter the path that we are taking to be a Follower of Christ.  He wants to steal your joy and stress you out by creating chaos in different areas of your life.  But similar to driving a car, you can ultimately fight through this and continue on the path that you were going.  If you do nothing and allow him to move you and affect you, its no longer only about yourself, but you have the potential to hurt someone else as well.The Promise"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." - James 1:12"By standing firm you will gain life." - Luke 21:19"And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." - Romans 5:2-4 Don't let the things of this world trip you up or affect you.  But stand firm, persevere and continue your path, and God has promised us that we will gain life.  There will never be so much wind that you can't bear fight through it! Don't get blown away!


Motivation to finish strong.


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