Souls Saved After Rock Concerts - 'Korn'

Brian Welch, famous Korn guitarist, left the band in 2005 at the height of the band's career. He describes in his interview with the 700 Club that he felt like an empty shell walking around with anxiety inside of him. He left the band to raise his daughter and deal with his addictions. I really understand his story, because I had a very close family member struggle with addiction as well. After endless battles of drug addiction and failed rehab attempts, an acquaintance invited him to church. Brian gave his life to Christ and was healed from the drug addiction. When Jesus came into his life, he gave him the peace and rest that the rocker could not buy. Although controversial, Brian Welch returned to the rock band after nearly a decade and now plays with a mission. He first performs for his audience then meets to pray with them."I want Jesus to look at me in the eye and say I knew you and you knew me... and I know you, and you know me," says Brian.I love how he is different from the 'Picture Perfect Christian.' He still looks like a rocker, and still is one. People who are lost, hurting, and struggling with addictions don't tend to go to church as their first option. Brian is reaching people at the level they are at. He is unique and can reach those who may never step foot in a church. I cannot say I listen to his music, but I do love what he stands for. The picture above says 1000 words. Brian is on the left praying for the man on the right who attended one of his concerts. There is nothing more beautiful than that. There is celebration in heaven for the souls that are being saved.

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