Chris Pratt Blows Away Entire MTV Audience: God is Real

On June 18th MTV hosted their annual Movie & TV Awards. I did not watch it. I expect this type of thing to be a complete waste of time. But, it turns out I was mistaken this time. Chris Pratt shared something amazing during the award ceremony. Chris was announced as this year's Generation Award Winner and his speech shocked me, and the entire audience attending the MTV awards that night.After Star-Lord thanked his family and fans, he went on to share what he referred to as 9 Rules from Chris Pratt Generation Award Winner. Some of the rules he shared are what you'd expect from Chris. But, there are a few that I did not expect to hear.

9 Rules from Chris Pratt Generation Award Winner:

  1. Breathe
  2. You have a soul. Be careful with it.
  3. Don't be a turd.
  4. (How to give a dog medicine.)
  5. Don't matter what it is, earn it.
  6. God is real. He loves you. God wants the best for you; believe that.
  7. (Something weird about going to the bathroom at a party.)
  8. Learn to pray. It's easy and it's good for your soul.
  9. Nobody is perfect. People are going to tell you-you're perfect just the way you are; you're not! You are imperfect, and you always will be. But there is a powerful force that designed you that way. And if you accept that, you will have grace. Grace is a gift. And like the like the freedom we enjoy in this country that grace was paid for by somebody else's blood. Don't take it for granted.

WHOA! That was unexpected.

If you put numbers two, six and 9 together you get the following.

You have a soul. Be careful with it. God is real. God loves you. God wants the best for you. Remember, nobody is perfect. People are going to tell you-you're perfect just the way you are; you're not! You are imperfect, and you always will be. But there is a powerful force that designed you that way. And if you accept that, you will have grace. Grace is a gift. And like the freedom we enjoy in this country; that grace was paid for by somebody else's blood. Don't take it for granted.

You can watch the full video on MTV's YouTube channel: side-note: I bet MTV hated posting this video. It fits zero percent of the agenda that they are trying to push right now!

I have two take-away's from Chris Pratt's speech:

#1. Chris is absolutely right.Each and every one of us needs the Grace of God. We are not perfect, we never will be. Without God, our soul's will never be satisfied. God is real, without Him we are broken and lost. We need to be humble knowing that every breath comes from Him alone. He died for each of us so that we could have a relationship with Him. God is real and to know Him is the ultimate purpose of our lives.Continue Reading: Living in God's Grace »#2. Hollywood needs more people like Chris.Simply put, Hollywood and the agendas it pushes SUCK. Hollywood is an abomination. It is (partially) responsible for dehumanizing the American people. People like Chris are a beacon of light in a very dark place.

Thank you, Chris Pratt, for your boldness and faith!


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