Why Put An Emphasis On Leadership? | Raising Future Leaders
The future generations need good leaders as much as they need mentors. Are we setting a good example when it comes to leadership?
This Law and That Law (Old Testament vs New Testament)
Some believers respond to issues in today's society and relate to the bible saying, "that was Old Testament law. We're living under the New Covenant now".
Will Jesus Be Part of Your Fourth of July?
Regardless of your race, occupation, or the neighborhood you live, in if you are proud to call yourself an American, the fourth of July has meaning...
The Election Is Over, What's Next For Christians?
Now that the election is finally over, what's next for Christians in this new world that we live in? Here are my thoughts on this.
EXPOSED: The Truth About the 2020 Presidential Election
The 2020 Presidential Election is upon us! I'm about to expose the truth behind it. Something that most of us aren't considering right now.
Even in Politics - Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
We have lost our ability to love one another as friends and neighbors. That inability comes from our judgmental attitudes about political parties.
A Christian's Perspective On The Presidential Election
Everyone is talking about the Presidential Election, I think it's important to hear a Christian perspective on the topic.
Would Jesus Vote in this Presidential Election? And Should I?
Would Jesus vote? I was in a conversation with a friend recently and we were discussing this. "If Jesus was a US citizen, would He vote?"
Letters From A Refugee
What does the word refugee mean to you? In the world today, it is often misunderstood and considered negative and dangerous. But what does God think?
I’ve Pondered 'Wokeness' For Almost 20 Years, Here Are My Thoughts
I’ve pondered the various social theories that formed and birthed Wokeness for almost twenty years, and I’ve come to some conclusions…
America is God's Nation [The Truth About the History of the USA]
There is more to the history of the USA than many talk about today. Sadly, we've turned from our foundation. The truth is this, America is God's nation!
How Should Christians Respond to Abortion?
Since that moment just days ago, social media has been broiling with anger from both sides of abortion. How do we as Christians respond to abortion?
"I'm pregnant, no one knows. I'm thinking of having an abortion."
This is a story that I've not shared before. But, these words are brought back to my mind since learning about the new abortion law passed in New York.
How Christians Should Be Sharing on Social Media
Did you know that you are supporting everything that you share on social media? It doesn't matter if you're speaking negatively or positively, it all helps the cause you're talking about. Christians need to be sharing differently on social media in 2021.
A Christian Perspective on Gun Control
Gun control is one of the most discussed and publicized topics in the USA today. Where should Christians stand on this topic? How should a Christian view gun control? Here is my Christian perspective on gun control.
Public Schools in Kentucky Can Now Teach from the Bible
An exciting new bill has passed. Schools in Kentucky can now teach from the Bible! This new law took effect on June 28th 2018. This is great news!
Is God For or Against Religious Liberty?
Many people are asking questions about religious liberty these days. We all have our own persepctive on the topic; but what does God think?
Chris Pratt Blows Away Entire MTV Audience: God is Real
I cannot believe what Chris Pratt shared during his speech at the MTV Movie & TV Award ceremony. I was shocked, so was the entire audience, and MTV.