The God of Comfort is God, Don't Doubt His Power

Some days I can’t leave my apartment. It feels like the weight of the world is heavy on my heart. I just can't find any comfort. Most of the time I don’t even have a reason. I just can’t leave. Sometimes life is both beautiful and tragic at the same time. Things are constantly changing, in both good and bad ways and some days there is more dark than there is light.  Being a young woman is hard. But so is being a young man, old man or old woman.

The point is everyone struggles.

Part of our daily battle is to push past hurts and disappointments in life, and choose to keep going and keep thriving. There is healing in acknowledging your pain, and there is strength in choosing to push through it.

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I think we all feel this way at times. Like we can’t leave our apartments. Something like cancelling plans for no other reason than we don’t know how to walk out of our front door. As living, breathing things, we experience both joy and sadness. It’s what it means to be alive. In the times of sadness, however, we can take comfort in something solid.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13 NLT

God remains with us through all circumstances, and through all hardships.

He is a God that has experienced first-hand what it’s like to be sad, lonely, betrayed and forsaken.  He experienced being far from comfort, more than imaginable. This is beautiful because it makes it all more convincing that He will see us through any painful time in our lives. It’s hard to take comfort in someone’s encouragement who has never been where you’re at, but because we serve a God who has personally walked through darkness, we can rest assured that he is near us in those times.

Despite all the things that change from day to day or even one hour to the next, we can place our hope in God. That he will come through for us when no one else will, and fill the void in us that is longing for something greater than ourselves.

So if you feel you can’t leave your apartment today, don’t lose heart. God is with you today, tomorrow, and for all the rest of your days. Even if you sometimes can’t feel Him.

He is with you, take comfort in that.


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