Dear Christians, We Have a Calling On Our Lives to Live

We live in a 'quit society'. I’m guilty of it. You’re guilty of it. We all are. The moment something becomes boring and mundane, we often check out and move on. Let’s face it; life is amazing. There is so much going on in the world at any given moment. They literally invented an iPhone 8, skipped the 9, and made the 10 within 15 minutes of each other. It’s overwhelming. It’s also stimulating. This makes it so much easier to move on when the stimulation stops.

There’s a saying I’ve heard and love; this faith walk ain’t no cakewalk.

When we first come to Jesus, I believe all of us are fired up initially. We have this peace that surpasses anything we’ve known. We feel grace in ways we didn’t even know possible. It’s electric. (Boogie woogie woogie).

Related Post: The Trust of a Child Has No Boundaries

We become emboldened and begin to share our new-found faith. We are then often discouraged by those tenured in the faith who will say the fire will fade, and we won’t always have the same passion and vigor. I specifically was told by a friend shortly after I had a fresh encounter with Jesus, who told me to enjoy it because it wouldn’t last. For those who keep the faith and keep the fire, they are eventually labeled as ‘radical’ or not your average Christian. They believe God still interacts with us daily and still seeks to dwell among his people. Others who may have become jaded and tired, believe God doesn’t work as he once did. They may not say it, but the way they live it says it all.

Here’s the crazy thing though, if you asked either one if they were willing to die for their faith or God, they would both answer yes.

  • Many, if not all, of us would say we are willing to die for our faith. I’m not so sure though. 
  • I think the more honest question would be, if you could quit being a follower of Jesus today with no blow-back or questions from others, no accountability, and no conviction, would you do it?
  • To many of us, when we say die for our faith, this is the heart behind it.
  • The reality is dying for your faith allows you to not deal with the Earthly blow-back of that professed faith. Don’t get me wrong, It's an incredibly bold move to die for a friend or die for Jesus. 
  • But it takes as much if not more to live for your faith, to continually stand strong in the face of opposition & persecution. When Jesus speaks of laying his life down for a friend. It's not a call to die... But a call to live. 

Who are you living for?

The initial command from Jesus to all of us is “Come, follow me.” Many of us immediately drop everything to follow him, but once the road becomes narrower, or harder to climb, we may take a break or find a detour. We convince ourselves as long as we get to our destination it doesn’t matter if we followed Jesus exactly as he led. If we were really honest with ourselves, most of our personal goals would be to make it to Heaven. The goal of Jesus though was to bring heaven to Earth.God asks you to pick up your cross and follow him. This isn’t the cross you will be crucified to for your own sins. Jesus would never ask you to climb on the cross. There is only one perfect offering and sorry, it’s not you. We are called to bear the burdens of each other. To lighten the load. When we carry the cross, we’re carrying it for friends and family who aren’t yet able to carry their own. It may have become too heavy or they may have not known it was there. He then wants us to carry it to the top of the mountain, stick it in the ground and allow him to climb on it.

We are the Hitch of the kingdom.

God wants us to be the match maker. He’s not asking you to save the world for him. He’s not asking you to heal anyone. All he’s asking you to do is make an introduction. God wants us to live for Him, so he may continue to be introduced to as many people as possible. His will is that everyone should reunite to him.Christ never called us to die for him, but he did call us to live. Live for him today. Never forget, we have a calling on our lives to live!


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