How to Inspire a Shared Vision Among Your Friends
Each of you is passionate about your group, the vision you have, and the relationships you have created. You are impacting the lives of the people.
DailyPS Moving to New Leadership: Alex Sanfilippo's Final Post
Alex Sanfilippo, the founder of DailyPS, is passing the leadership baton on to the next generation. Alex shares his parting words/final thoughts.
The Ultimate Goal is to Follow Jesus
The ultimate goal in life is to follow Jesus, right? Trusting God in this process is key to acquiring peace, while waiting for things to unfold.
Unity Within the Body of Christ - A Body of One
Unity within the Body of Christ displayed through its members working together will lead to the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Remember, Leadership Is About People
If we want to be better leaders, we must start focusing on people. The Bible makes it clear that leadership is about people, not us.
The Roller Coaster of Being Overworked and Under Rested
Do you feel like you've been overworked? Are you under-rested? Most people feel the same way about this. Here's what I've learned.
God Can Change Your Life If You Let Him Change Your Heart
Are you willing to forgive so God can change your life? Many years ago, I had an experience where I first learned this principle.
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Leadership and Grow Yourself
If you wish to live life at the fullest and succeed the most you possibly can, you have to strengthen your leadership and grow yourself personally!
Do What God Asks You To Do So You Can Be Free
A couple of years ago, I felt God ask me to drive over to my house where I grew up. I had no idea why, but I did what He asked me to do. You won't believe what happened next. The revelation: do what God asks you to do so you can be free!
Will You End with Honor? [How to Be Who You Need to Be for God]
Our choices determine our direction. Direction determines our destination. Will you live your life with honor?
What Does It Mean to Make Disciples?
Many of us are familiar with The Great Commission found in the Bible. But do we know what it means to make disciples? Here is how the Bible defines it.
Running Steady and Consistent Does Not Always Mean Running Fast
In the life of a Christian, being steadfast and consistent before God is more valuable than being able to achieve much in a short time.
Placing Hope In Jesus [Finding True Happiness and Contentment]
Where does your happiness and contentment come from? Are you looking to things of this world or to your hope in Jesus for these things?
The Connection Between God's Grace and Hard Work
Do you rely only on God's grace and not enough on working hard? (Or vise-versa) The grace of God is like the wind and hard work is like the sails of a boat. You need both to excel on the sea of life.
The Truth About Unforgiveness and the Solution That Leads to Freedom
Unforgiveness begets bitterness and bondage, but with forgiveness begins healing. If you want to experience more freedom in your life, this is the answer.
How I Learned That God Loves an Underdog [My Personal Story]
If there is one lesson that God has taught me throughout my life and journey, it is that God LOVES an underdog. He can take anyone, and do anything...
How to Be a Light in the World
Many Christians are asking how to be a light in the world. It's no simple task. The world is becoming more negative and dark, but this is our opportunity.
Dear Christians, We Have a Calling On Our Lives to Live
As followers of Christ, each of us has a unique calling on our lives to live. Not just to live for God, but actually to live and not die.
Being Renewed In Jesus Christ is Enough
Jesus Christ is enough. Spending time with Him, through praise and worship, reading the Bible, prayer and listening leads to being renewed.