The Day of Decision

Decisions are the only thing that change your life.

Let the reality and the power of this truth sink in... Whether the decision was yours or made by others, decisions are the catalyst of speech and action. Those rare things that emanate from the inside-out of a human being that effect and influence the world around it.

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Where you are in life is the result of your decisions. Its your fault. It your responsibility. It's not what happened to you that caused you to be where you. It is what you decided to do about what happened to you that brought you to where you are. I know this may be confronting but it is actually great news. Because if your life is the result of what happened to you then you are a victim and nothing can change.Are you suffering? Decide to change it. Are you not achieving what you want in certain areas? Decide to change it. God will not hand you a perfect life on a silver platter. Your decisions will chart the course of your destiny.[easy-tweet tweet="Your decisions will chart the course of your destiny." via="no"]

"This day I call heaven and earth to witness against you, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live..." Deuteronomy 30:19


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