Have the Confidence of a Defending Champion!

"Having won last year has taken a little pressure off of me as I have tee'd it up this year.  Kind of felt like, what's the worst that could happen, I'm still going to be a Masters champion" - Adam Scott (Professional Golfer)This was Adam Scott's response when the media asked him about the pressure that was put on him as a defending champion of The Masters (one of the biggest golf tournaments in the world).I love Adams mindset and response here.  He knew that the hard part was already done, so the pressure was off.  Just a year ago, he had already won the tournament he had dreamed about his entire life and as a result received the Green Jacket that each winner of The Masters gets.  Anything else was just a bonus.  Did he want to win it again?  Of course he did!  But he knew that if he didn't 'defend his title' that he would still be classified as a Masters Champion and nothing or no one could ever take that or his Green Jacket away from him. This mindset allowed him to enjoy the experience and play with a sense of confidence knowing that he was already a champion.I would argue that we need to have this same confidence in our walk with Jesus.  We need to have the confidence of a defending champion!  God already did the hard part for us and gave his only son (John 3:!6) so that we could be in HIS family.  So if we know that we are in HIS family, then shouldn't we have a "swagger" or confidence that is noticeable by others?One of my favorite questions to ask people is...What would you do if you had a guarantee that you wouldn't get hurt?  Maybe you would go skydiving, or bungee-jumping.  Maybe you would swim with sharks or climb a mountain.  What would you do?  The moment I told you that you wouldn't get hurt, your mindset changed.  You thought "of course I would do that, there is no risk!"  EXACTLY!A pastor at my church said this a couple of weeks ago..."you wouldn't hesitate on Earth to do anything if you truly knew how BIG God was"Have the mindset that Adam Scott had.  "What's the worst that could happen?  I'm still going to be a [child of God]."  You'll be amazed at the things God will do through you if you walk in this confidence.Isaiah 41:10"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."Philippians 1:6"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." 


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Your identity lies with Christ, not with your imperfections