Enable Others to Act and Watch Them Grow

In today's society, it's easy for us to believe we can do things independently without understanding the concept of how to enable others. We convince ourselves that we don't need the support of other people or that other people couldn't possibly do things as good as we can ourselves. We may believe that people may get in the way or cause things to get out of control. A good leader recognizes the need for other people and how critical it is to enable others, and the importance of their role.

Have you ever been given a job, but didn't have the authority to do what needed to be done? Did someone enable you, or just want you to pretend to be in charge?

When I am in this type of situation, I feel incapable of acting in the right capacity. In school, do you remember when the teacher asked you to watch the class and take the names of anyone who misbehaved? What kind of assignment is that? You want me to write down the names of bad classmates, but I can't do anything about it? What about at work, when your boss is out of the office, and you are appointed to act in their place? Are you equipped to make all of the decisions necessary on their behalf? Do you question your ability to make full decisions and execute on them, or do you still have to ask for true permission to act?

Knowing how to successfully enable others to act gives people full authority to act on your behalf and requires a level of trust to know they will do what is right.

We all have those 2-3 friends who we rely on... heavily. Every good friend and/or relationship has a support system. As a team, we are a family. When we are together, we feed off each other and encourage, promote and guide one another. This sounds simple, but through these common ways, we are enabling each other to act. To live unrestricted, unconfined, and with the necessary tools needed to make good decisions.

Related Post: A Leader Is One Who Knows the Way Goes the Way and Shows the Way

When we enable others to act, a few things happen:

  1. Foster collaboration and build trust - the more opportunities other people have, the more trust they have in you as someone having their back and support. Build!
  2. Share knowledge and information - keeping information to yourself will not help anyone. Share!
  3. Enhance self-determination – you become more powerful when you give up your power. Release!
  4. Develop confidence – people who are not confident hoard their power and influence. Create!

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans." - Psalm 118:8 NIV

A desire to help others grow in their journey is in our hearts. God has it in the right spot. No one can take that desire away from you or overwrite that burning passion. You have everything you need to move forward; trust what God has given to you. We all have empowerment and are in control of how we chose to enable others in our daily lives. Take a chance on people; often a surprise is on the other side.

"Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hand bring wealth." - Proverbs 10:4 NIV

Each of you is the hands and feet of Jesus. You are the power behind enabling others. Remember, when you encourage others to enable themselves, you encourage them to GROW!


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