How much is enough?

Is it enough to go to church on Sunday? Is it enough to post an inspirational saying or verse on social media? Is it enough to buy your friend coffee? Is it enough to go on that outreach or missions trip?If we follow the old adage that we should receive what we give, than we should have never been given unconditional love, mercy, grace, favor, forgiveness, peace, etc... We should constantly be putting ourselves in place to give to others what we have been so undeservingly blessed to receive!Be a person who doesn't just know and quote the scriptures. Be a person who intentionally walks out what it is to have a true, undaunting, unwavering, passionate relationship with the Lord. Don't just speak for God but walk out your life for God! Let your daily walk be a Christ-like example for everyone to see.As a Christian and true believer of Christ, it is our job to not live by what religion says we should do but by having a true relationship with God and doing what He is telling us to do. No two people have the same relationship with God, so don't listen to the people, listen to your Father. If our only job is to be obedient, than put one foot in front of the other and walk your life out in obedience. Walk your life out in accordance to what the only person, who has literally given His life for you, is asking you to do.We can't deceive ourselves into believing we're doing "good enough" or saying "it is what it is" or "that's as good as it gets".We can always do more and give above and beyond the call to ensure we aren't deceiving ourselves into a place of comfortability. Change your comfortability to vulnerability for Christ. Be vulnerable and open to the places God wants to take you. Walk in faith and peace in knowing its God who called you to it. Despite what the world may say or try to throw your way, always give God more power over your life than you give the enemy.I think the best part of it all, is knowing we are not alone. You may think, well God that's really asking a lot of me, when is someone going to do something for me? When will it be my chance to sit back and enjoy the blessings coming my way, so on and so forth…? Are we really so deceived in believing that out of all the people God has called, not a single one is going to have a personal impact on OUR lives? Do we truly believe, that we never once will we be blessed for our obedience? We can't allow ourselves to be deceived; God's word will never come back void. There is purpose and meaning behind every word that is spoken over our lives, it is our job to walk in confidence in knowing our God is for us and not against us.So to answer the original question, we can never truly do enough for God but we can ALWAYS live in obedience for Him and with Him.

“The Lord BLESS you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine on you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you PEACE.” - Numbers 6:24-26“Be DOERS of the WORD and not hearers only deceiving yourselves.” - James 1:22


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God is real, God is good, and God is powerful