3 Reasons You Should Fast

Stuck in a rut? Trying to decide what your next step is in life? If you’re like me, and 99.99% of the world, you’ve probably been in a situation where fasting would have helped. As I was reflecting on my life two weeks ago, I came to the realization that I was in a spiritual rut. In a “spiritual rut”, I was not moving forward with my walk with God, but I was not moving backwards either – I was perhaps in the worst place… I was stagnant. Life had become busy for me between being an engineering student, interning with the BATF 2 days a week, leading a serving team, leading a small group, and writing blogs. I noticed I hadn’t read my bible in a week, I noticed I was only listening to worship music if nothing else was on the radio, and I was not focused when I was sitting in church. I was not making time for God, and not growing spiritually…. It was time for a fast.Fasting is a great way to re-connect with God, or perhaps to walk with God on a deeper level than you’re already doing. It clears your mind, and tunes you in to God. Without further ado, 3 reasons why you should fast:

  • To get closer to God.In Luke chapter 4, we read about Jesus venturing into the wilderness, where he fasted from all food for forty days. It says in Luke that he was tempted by the devil during his fast, and he resisted the devil. After that fast, Jesus went on a warpath – preaching the gospel everywhere. In that time of fasting (and while finding God in nature – but that’s a different blog), Jesus gained the clarity and vision he needed to set the world on fire with God’s word.
  • To seek direction in life.Our church does Daniel fast at the beginning of every year for three weeks – it is a way for us to start the year off right, awaken our spirits, and to seek direction for the year. A good friend of mine started Daniel fast last year seeking a breakthrough – knowing God had something else for him than his current spot in life. By the end of his fast, he had his answer – he got re-baptized, and he knew he was supposed to start a non-profit. Eleven months later, he just left his job, and he is getting ready to close on a gargantuan 650 acre piece of property, complete with buildings and amenities – perfect for hosting his empowerment retreats.
  • To be healthier in all facets of life.1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our bodies are temples, in which God lives. It is important to take care of your body mentally, physically, and spiritually. Fasting is not only a great way to increase spiritual health, but if done properly (Daniel fast for example), can be a great way to hit the reset button physically and mentally. Fasting for the sake of losing weight is not a selfish thing – our bodies are temples, and God needs us to take care of our bodies so that we can be healthy to spread His word! I’m sorry, but if we are going to spread the gospel in the far reaches of the world, or even in the inner cities of Jacksonville, we need to be in shape to be able to walk for miles and be mentally acute. There is no doubt that Chick-fil-a, Publix chicken, pecan pie, and sweet tea are of the Lord, but only in moderation and combined with other nutritious foods.

As I sit here today post-fast, I have re-connected with God and begun to grow spiritually again. I now find myself waking up an hour earlier every day so that I can have my devotional time, I prefer worship music to secular music, I am on a trend of eating healthier, and I feel happier. So there you have it guys and girls, 3 reasons why you should fast. Have a great week!


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