Food that spoils, or food that endures to eternal life?

I was completely floored while reading chapter 6 in the book of John recently, as my eyes were opened to something brand new that I had never noticed before. This is the chapter where Jesus feeds the 5,000 with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Afterward everyone is fed, Jesus and His disciples retreat to another location. When the people realize that Jesus and His disciples have left they follow. They go in search of Jesus. When they find Jesus, He has some interesting things to say to them.The first thing Jesus does is go right to their hearts and tells them that they are not following Him because of His signs and wonders, but because He gave them food and they want more. Basically, they are following Jesus because of what He can do for them in this life, not because He is the way to eternal life.Secondly, Jesus starts preaching a message that eventually sends a bunch of these so called followers away angry. The same people that were literally chasing after Jesus are now frustrated and trying to get away from Him. The interesting thing is that in the middle if His message Jesus says, "All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away" (John 6:37). Jesus also goes on to say that, "I shall lose NONE of all those he has given me" (John 6:39).So let's back up for a second. These people have been chasing after Jesus. In this particular place, they had to cross a lake to get to Him. Then Jesus' message "drives them away". Jesus just finished saying that all those the Father gives Him will come to Him and He will not drive them away. Don't these people qualify? Haven't they come to Him? Haven't they chased Him across the lake to hear Him? Yet, the truth of Jesus' message sends them away.This should be concerning to us if we relate it to the times we live in today. Matthew chapter 7 tells us very plainly that there will be people who stand before God in the end and list out all the things they did as evidence that they knew Him, but Jesus will send them away saying that He never knew them. That's hard stuff. The Word says that some of these people will claim to have done miracles, but Jesus will still turn them away.Why does Jesus' message turn away these people in John chapter 6? Because they weren't truly seeking Him. they were seeking what they could get from Him. Jesus looked at them instantly upon there arrival and told them that they were not seeking Him, the bread that gives them eternal life, but they were seeking worldly bread that would fill there stomachs. Jesus then says, "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you" (John 6:27).How many people around the world today are going to church to obtain worldly bread? How many people are going to church to protect their reputation, fit in with those around them, hear a message that just affirms and makes them feel more comfortable in their sin, or even quite literally because they believe the primary goal of a relationship with God is to be carnally blessed in this life?Later in John 7, Jesus looks at the 12 who have been with Him from the beginning. This is after the others have left because of Jesus' difficult teaching.  Jesus says to them. "You do not want to leave too, do you?"Simon Peter answers Jesus by saying, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."In other words, Peter was not saying that they had chosen to follow Jesus because Jesus' words made them comfortable. They were not following Jesus because His message fit well within the plans they had for their lives. Peter was saying that they knew who Jesus was, so whatever came out of His mouth was the truth, even if it proved difficult and uncomfortable. And after walking day in and day out with the truth, how could they possibly leave to go find something counterfeit, even if that counterfeit message proved to be more comfortable and fitting for their lives?What about you? Are you going to church? Are you following Jesus? Whether you are or not, the question is why? Who do you believe Jesus is? Are you seeking after a savior who's primary purpose is to fill your belly for a lifetime? Or are you seeking after a savior whose primary purpose is to usher you, and those who you come into contact with, into an eternity of a loving relationship with their Father? The first one might make you nice and comfortable in this life, but the second will give you a peace that transcends all understanding for eternity. Which one are you chasing?


How do You Remember? They Wrote it Down.


The Great Depression