How do You Remember? They Wrote it Down.

Have you ever watched the movie 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore?  If not, in short, the girl in the movie got in a car accident and as a result she can’t remember anything that happens to her from day to day.  She starts each day with no memory of the last day.  The guy who begins to go on dates with her figures out by the end of the movie to start leaving her something that she can watch or read before she is introduced to him that day.  In short, he creates a short brief of her life to that point to allow her to remember all the things that got her to that point.Sometimes I wonder how great it would be to be able to start the day with something like this and be reminded of all the things God has done in my life to get me to this point.  I may have a different perspective each day if that was the case.Look at the Israelites, who walked through the desert for 40 years and had a hard time continuing to follow God even though they went through numerous miraculous events (parting of the Red Sea, Food from Heaven every day, following a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, and receiving the Ten Commandments directly from God).  We look back now and wonder how they could have even thought about not believing in God or trusting anyone else.  But the simple fact is that they grew impatient, and ultimately forgot about what He had done.  They didn’t have the luxury of being able to read the entire story at one time like we have in the Bible.  I’m guessing if they woke up everyday to a short video that reminded them of all the miracles they had been through, they wouldn’t have fallen away so often.We can thank them (or at least one person) however for the story and for having the mindset and eternal focus to write it down for future generations to read and learn from.  We can thank many people that had that same focus to write down their stories while living out their lives.  No one came to them and said…“hey Paul, congratulations! I just wanted to let you know that you have been selected to be one of the writers of the Bible, make sure to spell everything correctly and write everything down so future generations can hear from God through what you experienced.”No, Paul wrote it down, and wrote letters to others because he knew that was the best way to remember it and communicate it.  David even wrote down his prayers and praises in Psalms.  They probably had no idea that their writings would be part of the Bible as it is today.We should take note of this and be sure to write down things that we hear from God and even praise God for.  I can’t stress enough how important this is, and how it can help you if you can look backwards and see how God has brought you through and blessed your life.  Create your own manual, similar to the concept from 50 First Dates to allow you to remember what God has done.  You may say, Im not a good writer.  And to that I say, it doesn’t matter, your not being graded by your high school English teacher…just write it down in a way that makes sense to you.Normally I share a few bible verses here to go along with the message, however, EVERY SINGLE VERSE in the Bible goes along with this, as they were all written down at some point, and kept through the years.  Just look at what it is today.  Who’s to say, what you experience today, won’t be used by future generations…maybe your own children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.I’ll say it one more time…Write it Down…


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Food that spoils, or food that endures to eternal life?