Faith is like a roller coaster

Roller Coaster 1Our walk of faith is like a roller coaster, but we can trust God just as much through the twists and turns as when we climb up the hill.The Psalms of King David never fail to amaze me. Here is a man that is called a man after God’s own heart, and yet we constantly read him saying things like, “How long Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me… How long will my enemy triumph over me” (Psalm 13: 1-2)? The even more amazing thing is that right before this, David writes, “You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked” (Psalm 12: 7). This seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout the book of Psalms. In one sentence we read how David is praising God for showing Himself mighty in David’s life, and in the next David is grieved and wondering when God is going to show up. This is why I love reading the book of Psalms, because it is so real. The Psalms appeal to the roller coaster of faith that we are all constantly riding.The thing I love about David is that even during those times when he feels out of control, like he is plummeting down the hill and through all the twists and turns, he still writes of God’s faithfulness. Even when he is feeling lost and defeated, David still makes it a point to speak God’s truth over his situation. The truth of who God is resonates so deeply within David that he believes in God just as much while flying through all the twists and turns as he does when he is slowly and peacefully being lifted to the top of the hill. Check out what we find if we continue reading in Psalm 13 that we started above. After he cries out in anguish to God for most of the chapter, David writes in verse 5, “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.”This bears a striking resemblance to another character that we find in the bible. Jesus' life is the ultimate roller coaster. He goes from a popular figure being praised by thousands for His teachings and miracles, to someone that His own people want to see horrifically killed. However, no matter what situation He found Himself in, good or bad, Jesus had 100% faith in His Father's plans. In Mark 14, we read about Jesus' experience the night before He is taken prisoner and crucified. Jesus is processing this idea that His time has come, and He is dealing with the harsh reality of facing His crucifixion. Jesus tells His disciples, “My heart is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” Then we read in the following verse that Jesus falls to the ground and pleads with His Father to “take this cup from Him.” However, Jesus immediately follows this up with, “Yet not what I will, but what you will.”No matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, God is still on the throne! He is the same God that delivered the Isrealites from the hands of the Egyptians and who raised Christ from the dead. Whether we are on a slow and steady climb to the top of the hill, or on a rapid decent into whirwind of confusing twists and turns, He is still the Great I Am. He still loves us and has a plan and a purpose for our life. Be open and honest with God about where you are and how you feel, just as David and Jesus were, but stand on the truth despite how you feel. The almighty God of the universe who has already done a great work in you will carry it on to completion (Philippians 1: 6)!


Some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God


God gave us the ability to speak for a reason.