Create a legacy of faithfulness.

Create a legacy of faithfulness that others remember and are inspired to follow.

Last year I visited Savannah GA. It is a beautiful city that is full of history. One of the most popular landmarks that I visited is the Bonaventure Cemetery. At first it seemed like a strange place to be visiting. However, as I entered the cemetery the reason for so many people visiting became obvious to me; it is a beautiful garden where people that were loved and cherished are buried. As I was driving through and taking in all of the detail and work that had been put into keeping this historical place looking as nice as it is, something really hit me...Cemetery TombstoneI noticed hundreds of names around me, names of people that were very loved by their families and friends. Despite of how loved or how important they once were, they were all names that I had never heard before.  This reminded me of how short life is, and how very few people will ever know the name on my tombstone one day. I started thinking about legacy and what I wanted to be remembered as once I am gone.You will be born and live your entire life and one day be buried and remembered by few. What matters in life is how those few remember you. What do you want to be remembered as? As I thought about this, I know that I want to be remembered as a faithful man. I want to be faithful in loving God and loving those that He has placed in my life.Be faithful in your relationship with God.Above all else, the most important thing in life is your relationship with God. Consistently spend time in God’s word and in prayer. Spend time worshiping Him and following the direction He is calling you to in your life.Be faithful in your earthly relationships. The relationship that you have with God will be reflected in your earthly relationships. Check your heart; make sure that you are being a faithful person to the people that God has placed in your life. Here are some questions to ask yourself:Are you consistent in what you tell your friends?Are you really there for people?Do you feel that you are too good for people around you?How would those around you describe you?Be faithful with the possessions that you have been given.In the bible, Jesus tells a rich young ruler to sell all he has and give to the poor and to follow Him. The rich ruler walked away discouraged because he had a lot possessions. Don’t ever let your possessions become more important to you than God and people; always be ready to give up what you have to follow Him. Being faithful in your possessions means keeping them where they belong in your heart, secondary to God and people.Life is short; the way you live each day will determine how you will be remembered once you are gone. Leave a legacy where it counts. Don’t end up just another name lost to history. Be someone that is remembered by those who walked with you as a faithful man or woman. God can do amazing things through you if you just stay faithful to Him, and faithful to what and who He has given you. Begin creating your legacy of faithfulness today.


Jesus Loves You...He Told Me So


You Do You!