False Evidence Appearing Real

False Evidence Appearing Real, or Fear is running rampant through our world today.  We have a fear of attacks from extreme religious groups, economic down fall, the upcoming presidential election, and not to mention the fears in our own little worlds.  Do we have enough money to pay rent?  Am I going to lose my job?  Is my kid going to get bullied today in school?In my opinion, fear is the ultimate weapon of the enemy.  He uses fear to keep us from tithing, speaking out in the name of Jesus, and it even keeps us from fully worshiping in church.  To me that’s a sign that fear has snuck too far into our everyday lives if we are afraid what people will think of us if we raise a hand during a worship song in church.Fear by itself isn’t conducive to our spiritual walk with the Lord.  But when fear is mixed with other godly virtues we create a healthy dose of fear that motivates us to draw closer to him.  Let’s start by looking at what Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, said about fear;Proverbs 9:10 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”   Here we have fear mixed with humility and faith.  We have faith that there is a higher being than us (God) and humility to understand that he is in control and all knowing.  It’s just like in school; when we realized or understood that the teacher in class knew more about a subject than we did we were more likely to come to them for help.  God works in the same way.  He not only created everything in and around us, but he also lived with us.  God fully understands everything we go through and yearns for us to turn to him for understanding and wisdom.Philippians 2:12 – “…continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” Fear mixed with the reverence of God can be a great motivator.  Never cease seeking the Lord and his word for we do not know the day or hour which God will come back.  What a glorious day that will be which I don’t want to miss, and I don’t want you to either!When we have a healthy balance of faith, humility, reverence, etc.… with fear we are able to see the change God wants to make in us.  Whether that’s asking for forgiveness for a sin(s), changing an attitude or lifestyle, or becoming more consistent in our spiritual disciplines.  The fear of the Lord should motivate us as Christians and not paralyze us or cause us to stay as we are.  If the fear in your life is not motiving you to draw closer to him, then it is not from God.  Rebuke that fear in the name and blood of Jesus Christ and break the hold fear has on you.Dear Father, please show me the areas of my life that need changed.  Use a healthy dose of fear to motivate me to change.  I want to give you everything I have and I can’t do that without you.  You have my heart and I am yours forever.  You are my strength, my rock, and the one I hold onto.  You hold everything in the palm of your hand but yet you still make time for me.  How beautiful is your unfailing love and how blessed I am to call you mine.  Thank you father. Amen. 


Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.


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