Finding Your TRUE Identity

The world is trying to tell us we need to discover who we are. Only by discovering this will you be able to discover your identity. When we look around we see a broken world. Lives are falling apart. Doing things the world's way hasn't helped us become better. In fact, I would argue the world has increasingly become more and more unstable because of our desire to discover who we are.We should already know who we are. The Bible tells us.

We are a fallen people.

This started with Adam and Eve. They chose to eat from a tree they were told to avoid. They chose to eat anyways. From there, we've descended into death, war, infidelity, and more. The world is broken, We are broken and We are fallen.This isn't a bad thing and it gives you and me a place to start to find our true identity.

We are a redeemed people.

It's true, we're all fallen. We were born into sin. We are sinners. Yet, if we've made the choice to believe in our savior, we're more than sinners. We are a redeemed people.

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Christ has called us to Him. He has chosen to make us His own. We just have to make the choice.

We need to find our TRUE identity.

The world tells us to discover who we are. To find out the things we enjoy, love, and want to do more of. This is who we are, they would tell us. They'd be wrong. Your true identity doesn't come from the activities you like or the things you love. Your identity, once you've chosen Christ, is no longer your own.Youth Pastor Bruce Harrier shared his thoughts about identity. I thought they were great. And I want to share them here with you.He said:

We need to get over trying to figure out who we are. It's not about that. It's not about knowing yourself. What truly matters in figuring out your identity is knowing whose you are.

What this means is identity isn't about you, it's about being God's beloved.There are two key verses we can look at to back this claim up. The first is:John 1:12 - Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of GodIn this verse, we see that by receiving Christ, we become children of God. We are no longer people who are lost, we are found and we are His.The second verse is:Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.What we can take away from this Bible verse is that we are created for a purpose. We are a created people, which God longs for us to realize.

Your true identity

If we take these two verses for what they are, we can see it's not about who we are. Our identity is IN Christ and His love. He has given us a new identity.We are children of God and his handiwork. Resting in this knowledge is what we should be able to do. His word has given us our identity and it is now our choice whether or not to live in it.


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