Trusting and Pursuing God is Like Walking The Labyrinth

My life looks like one big labyrinth. Beautiful in concept. Awe-inspiring from afar. But at a closer look, one finds a series of twists and turns that have no end in sight. Somedays I am excited to see where the path will lead, and other days I am like a stubborn child. My heels dug in, not wanting to take the next step forward. Other days I swear the center is mocking me.

Standing at the beginning of a labyrinth, all you can see is uncertainty.

You can’t fathom the end. You have no idea where the middle is. And have no clue where the twists and turns will take you. Soon you realize there is no short cut to get to the center. Kind of like the journey through healing where feelings of fear and uncertainty rule the process.

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The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that represents wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and spiral into a purposeful path. Unlike a maze where many choices must be made to find the end, a labyrinth has only one option. The option to enter or not. Once in, the path takes you to the center and then back out again. All you have to do is have trust and keep going.

Ha! “All you have to do." Trust. Keep going. Is that all?

The thought of even entering has me running the other way! Trust does not come easy to me and “keep going” is hard when all I want to do is lay down and give up.And going to the center of yourself is scary! Heck, there are some days I don't like to look in the mirror in fear of what’s staring back, let alone journey to the center of my being and settling there for a while. Or at times, avoiding the center all together in fear of what I would find there.What if I find something I don't want!Or worse.Find something I forgot I longed for.The process of walking through a labyrinth quiets the mind and opens the soul. It connects us to the depths of our being so we can remember who we are. Through our choices, other people’s actions, hurt or trauma our identity may be lost, forgotten or abandoned. But this healing process reminds us that at our center is our true identity. An identity made in the image of God.

Colossians 3:10 ESV “And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.”

God will be there with us.

Walking with us during the journey of healing and carrying us when we want to lay down and give up.Scripture tells us “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NLTTake note through your journey of healing that a power higher than you is with you. Guiding you forward. There may be stops, pauses or full-on sprints but know God is with you along the way. To restore you to your true self at the center of your being. Just trust and keep on going.


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