Freedom in Your Relationships

Freedom in relationships starts with being good at being single.

Do you seek freedom in a relationship? We must be complete in God before we can complete someone else! Are you okay with being single? Embrace it! Focus on yourself. (Your personal growth and development.)

You will learn to enjoy being single! Your single season can be what brings to the right place for a relationship.When God created Adam in Genesis - He gave him a time to be alone to accomplish some things. God did not create a wife for Adam until later.Often we get so focused on the idea of a relationship that we fail during the time of being single.Our most important relationship is our relationship with God.
Related Post: How to be single - PREVIEW:Singleness has its’ benefits. Seriously. I’m not advocating being single forever in the same manner as the world does. We all know that when we put our hope in money, possessions, or sex, we will wake up some day – disillusioned, empty, and confused – Wondering why there is a God-sized emptiness within us. No, I am not advocating that – I am advocating a change on perspective, a paradigm shift, towards a season of singality.


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