Full Custody of Your Life

Do you come from a broken family, a broken home, broken relationships, or simply a broken life that has taken custody of you? You are not alone. Are you afraid of repeating the same mistakes in your life? You are not alone. Our God in heaven is not broken, and He always puts our pieces together and holds them in place.  He makes beautiful blessings out of what we may believe is a catastrophe.I was physically, verbally and emotionally abused from ages nine to thirteen. I was sent to school without being allowed to eat breakfast. Lunches were not packed for me and I often had to eat from the food pantry at the school. It was not for lack of food, but out of some misplaced logic. I would come home to horrible evenings - struggle through homework and wish the night would hurry up and be over.  I was physically injured, hit, attacked, and thrown around for reason I will never know.My life was unraveling each and every day, little by little, shred by shred.  Every day I wondered what was next, how can I make it through another day, who can I tell, and who can I trust? During this time I was made aware of my parents pending divorce. However, I still didn't understand why I was being mistreated.On the weekends when my dad picked me up I was full of happiness and joy. We went to church and he took care of me emotionally and spiritually. He made sure school work was a priority, and addressed my mental health.  He loved me like a child should be loved. I didn't know what this thing we know as life was all about at that young age, but I did know that my current experience was not supposed to be.

Give God Full Custody of Your Life

The things of this earth are temporary and will never be able to live up to the standards of what our Heavenly Father has for us.  Why then do we not allow Him to have our all?  Holding on to some pieces of our lives because we think we can handle them, only proves that we are not willing to trust God with all of our lives.  Nothing is bigger than God.  Nothing in your life is too hard for God to handle - not abuse, neglect, love loss, emptiness, confusion, or even addictions.  Be vulnerable, be brave, and give God full custody of your problems, your questions, and even your victories.

Related Post: Pain fades, love remains, joy returns

In spite of a legal system that can tend to lean towards having children stay with their mother, something outside of the system saw things differently. Relentless love and determination allowed my dad to get full custody of me. It took him two solid years of fighting the system to get full custody of me. He thought I was worth it! This was the happiest day of my life. This is a similar feeling to when we realize that Jesus Christ wants full custody of us.

"Even in spite of a system that tells us we are rejected, it takes something outside of the system to override that lie and believe in the truth." - Pastor Keith Pittman Sr.

We are children of God, He only wants what is His.  He also wants us to forgive as He has and this is where true healing comes from.  Although I never received an apology for the way I was treated, when I was a little older and understood forgiveness, I forgave my biological mother.  It was never for her, it was for me.“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” Romans 8:16 NIV

Do Not Dispute The Testimony of Jesus

This past weekend, we were able to celebrate our risen Lord. Just as my dad did not give up, or quit his fight to get full custody of me, our Heavenly Father has not and will not give up on us. Even when you feel like you have done nothing right in your life, the love we have from the Lord is unconditional.“Then they asked him, “Where is your father?” “You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”” John 8:19 NIVI never forgot my dad, even during the weeks that I didn't get to see him. I may have wondered if he forgot about me, but what he was doing was protecting me. Instead of trying to get me to take sides, or constantly shuffling me between his house and hers, my dad was fighting the good fight without involving me in the details. He let the truth speak.  Let me repeat that, he let the truth speak! He prayed, stayed faithful in the church, took his battle to the cross, and He won. Isn't that what Jesus did for us? He fights for us, He wants to win full custody of our hearts and our minds.  Let Him give you the love of a supernatural Father that will not be shaken.What two things will you turn over to God this week?  Leave us a comment, we would love to know and pray with you over them.


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Enduring Life's Storms