Enduring Life's Storms

In the past month, two friends have experienced events nothing short of life altering. As each positions himself in Christ to embrace his respective storm, I watch and evaluate my own life. Why does it take storms (crises or tragedies) to make us examine our own life? Perhaps I should talk to the mirror because maybe this is just a “me” problem.The image of a Monday night in late February is so clear to me. As I headed toward the front door at my friend’s house, his wife gave me a hug with a big smile. They were preparing for a quick trip to Mexico to see the condo they’re building. Life was exciting. God was good. Twenty-four hours later my friend’s wife received the call nightmares are made of. Life takes a tragic turn.

But God is still good… right?

In moments like this, it’s hard to declare the praises of God and be mindful of how good He is. Our voices are weak and trembling at best; our hearts are full of questions as doubt knocks at the door. I wonder though, is it possible that Heaven shakes with the boldness of declarations made in times of weak and trembling voices?

Considering My Foundations

The storms my two friends are enduring have led me to some serious reflecting on how the parable of the two builders, found in Matthew 7 of the bible, speaks to my life. Storms are always on some horizon, right? Someday that horizon will be mine; it’s just a matter of time.As I consider storms, I’m led to the question, “On what foundation am I building the things most important to me; on the Rock or on shifting sand?” Where am I promoting my kingdom instead of His? At some point in our lives, most of us have heard the statement, “You can’t take it with you.” It’s always said in the context that we can’t take possessions with us when we die. Even so, we can surely place a high priority on things which the bible warns will be eaten by moths, or rust, or which will eventually be stolen by thieves. Perhaps he who dies with the most doesn’t win after all.

"When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation." - Proverbs 10:25

I can be so excited to share my vision with the Lord, my building projects, but be completely unaware when He’s stopped somewhere along the walk to look at something important to Him; something completely oblivious to me.I may be oversimplifying things but when it comes to life’s storms, it seems like we're in one of four places:1. We’re preparing to embrace a storm blowing in.2.We’re enduring a storm like my two friends.3.We’re coming out of a storm and assessing our losses.4.We’re somewhere along the path enjoying a season of calm.

Related Post: In The Storms is When Jesus Does His Finest Work

As I consider those four stages, only one appears conducive to building.If you’re in the middle of a calm season in your life, what are you building right now? What are your time and thoughts being directed towards? It’s so important to take a hard look at what we are building with this life we’ve been given because there are storms out off the horizon somewhere and although we may not be aware of them, it doesn’t matter. They’ll be here when they get here. When those storms come blowing in, the foundation we’ve chosen to expand so much of our resources, our time, creative energy, money, etc. will be the difference between whether our house stands or falls with a great crash.The Lord promises us a couple of things within the story in Matthew 7. He says the rain will come, the streams will rise, and the winds will blow. The real questions are: On what foundation will you build your life and your marriage; what foundation are your children established on?It is my hope and prayer for you that you will build something glorious to the Lord, and that it will survive every storm life brings your way.


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