If you want more, you've gotta give more.

If you finally made it to where you think God has called you, hold on tight because you're about to be moved forward again. The moment you are comfortable, is the moment for advancement.

God takes you from season to season because in each season you learn more and grow. Once you've learned enough to move ahead, through your willingness to serve, He moves you forward. We become comfortable because we have learned all we can learn in that season, therefore, it is pointless for us to stay there. If we stay in our comfortability, we will become stagnant and we will not continue to grow or learn. Comfortability leads nowhere fast. You may be in the place, setting, job, season, state, relationship, etc; that you know God has called you to but with no new challenges or opportunity to grow, you are literally limiting yourself. If you've officially reached your life-long goal and you have no goals or plans to follow that, then you've capped your growth right then and there.

Let's be honest, the only thing God asks us to do is be obedient. He gives us more than we could ever need or deserve and yet what are we giving Him? Are we giving of our time, money, or even our lives? If yes to any, how much are we truly giving? Are we giving to the extent that makes us comfortable or are we truly stepping out in faith and giving God EVERYTHING we have. After all, all that we have is from God's tremendous blessings in the first place. I heard a song that said "You can't take away what the world didn't give" how awesome is that? Just try to wrap your brain around that concept for a moment. Only God has the power to take away what He has given, so if we belittle and devalue what He has given us, what's to say He doesn't have the power to take it away?If we're totally honest, it is kind of depressing when you give someone a gift and at the next special event you see them re-gift it or even worse, give it back to you. How do we think God feels when He gives us a gift and we don't put any value on it, receive it, or even give it away? When we show no care and put no effort into it, I'm certain God feels the same as we do in those moments. We have to remember, God created us in His likeness, so our emotions resemble His, therefore, He has all the same feelings and emotions we do. With no doubt, His emotions are to a greater extent because we are His children. When God gives us a gift, He wants us to receive it, put value on it, and invest in it. When we put nothing into it, there is no reason for Him to give us anything else. Yet, for some reason, we pray relentlessly asking God for something, He answers our prayers, we receive the gift, and then after the monotony sets in, we devalue this gift we unceasingly asked for. God sees us pushing this amazing gift aside and He also hears the prayers of us asking for more. Eventually we stomp our feet, we yell and shout God down, as if He isn't listening to us, and we wonder why we aren't getting anything more.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." -Matthew 7:7

Sometimes we need to take a step back and look at this from God's perspective. He gave us what we asked for, we pushed it aside, we can't even appreciate and grow in what He gave us, why would He give us more? So we could throw that to the wayside as well?

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." -James 4:3

It's all about give and take. God can give and God can take away. If we devalue or put a gift above God, He has the power to take it away.

"I was born with nothing, and I will die with nothing. The Lord gave, and now he has taken away. May His name be praised!" -Job 1:21

He is a jealous God who only asks for our willingness to obey His commandments. Why do we complicate everything so much and ask "what's in it for me"? What if; we asked God for something, He gave it to us, and we gave that thing 100% of what we have? Whether it be time, energy, love, ect... Just watch and see how God blesses your faithfulness, obedience, and diligence.

The concept is simple, if you want more, you've gotta give more. Not out of selfish desires but true obedience, love, and passion to do all you can for God. When obeying God, strap yourself in because He will take you on the most exciting journey, throughout your entire life and walk with Him.

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." -Colossians 2:6-7


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