When the Enemy Says One Thing... But God Declares Victory!

Often times, when the enemy says something, God declares an even greater victory for us all. It can be hard to ignore. This statement has never rung truer for me than now. In November of 2018, I struggled with a challenge I never could have imagined. My dad was put on dialysis for kidney disease. Not only has my dad never been sick; he has never had any type of surgery. For a man his age, with a rare blood type, I listened to what the enemy was saying. But not for long. God declares truth over our fears, He declares truth over our situations and He declares truth into places that appear as though there is no hope.

What the Enemy Says is False

One of my biggest fears in the process of my dad's need for a kidney was his age and blood type. Again, those are fears that the enemy speaks. Fears that should not rise up in my mind, but I am human, right? I'm going to have fears, worries and concerns. I would be lying if I told you that I don't worry, or stress, or have fears on a regular basis. The truth that I am confident in, is that God has me covered. Not only me, but my family. God has my family covered, in the truth of his word.

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Fear has no place in our hearts, or in our minds as believers. We have to be bold enough to ask God to increase our trust. Bold enough to ask God to increase our faith in his willingness and ability to deliver us completely. Deliver us from fear and anxiety. Ask for a deeper revelation of his love and watch how powerfully he moves. What the enemy says will soon be replaced with Gods love.

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The enemy reminded me of all of the potential negative outcomes which I was already thinking about. The waiting list is too long. His blood type is too rare. Never had he undergone surgery. His fears will overtake him. I have to be honest and tell you that I had doubts at first and was allowing the enemy to pierce my deepest thoughts.

In the Midst of it All

Ever wonder why it's so easy to pray for others, to encourage and promote faith to your friends and family during their time of need, but when the time comes for you to remind yourself of these things, everything goes out of the window? During my weakest moments in the hospital with my dad, I momentarily forgot about laying hands and praying over him. I momentarily forgot there is power in my words and I am able to speak life into this situation.Thank goodness, I surround myself with friends and family members who remind me of my faith even in the times when I am weak. They remind me that God declares victory and I do not have to be afraid. There are several things God reminded me of, but it wasn't until I surrendered it all to him. God declared, my dad's blood type was perfect. He reminded me that the waiting list is no match for the miracles He has in store for my dad. God declared the journey my dad is on has a purpose for the world and will allow others to witness what it means to have faith.

John 5:8 NIV “Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”

The journey hasn't been easy and it's still not over. Each day is full of checking vitals, documenting abnormalities, ensuring medicines are taken at the right time and much more.

God Uses all Situations for Good

We went through multiple admissions in the hospital without notice, or warning. Schedules change at the blink of an eye. Work schedules become disrupted, family plans are put on hold, and everything changes. Yes, it is very frustrating and can cause a lot of anxiety, if I am able to be honest with you. I have never experienced anything like this before. But I know God has seen it all and He will get me through.Although I could not see it at first, I know that God is using this whole process to bring more people into His kingdom. Not only has my dad grown closer in his relationship with God, but my friends and family have grown closer together to rally around us. Our long-distance family is able to see the faithfulness of my bonus-mom and I and how blessed we continue to be. How blessed we are even when there are bumps in the road.

God Declares Victory and Truth Over all Things

Even when we expect things to happen on a specific timeline, we have to remember that we are not in control. No matter how tough, how exhausting, or how trying it can be, Gods timing is always best. Just a few weeks ago, my dad received his kidney transplant. Talk about answered prayers, answered pleas and answered faith. The doubts are human instinct. The unwavering faith is something we all have to continue to practice.I will leave you with a few things to remember when you are faced with a sick family member, or any type of challenge which the enemy will try to use against you:

  1. Spiritual growth happens in all situations
  2. Life struggles are not a direct result of sin
  3. Our loving God cares for each of us
  4. We can't repair ourselves; we need God

If you are struggling with a family illness, or a care-giver for someone you love, rest assured that God is right beside you. At times, He is even carrying you through, just when you think you can't do it anymore.


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