What Happens When We Worship With Our Lives
We typically think of worship as songs sung to God. However, our whole lives can be lived in worship and surrender when we act upon the words we proclaim.
How a Mission Trip Changed My Life
When I made the decision to go on my first mission trip with my church, I decided to go big. If you feel called to go on a mission trip, do it!
Don't Make God a Stranger [Talk to Him!]
Our fingerprint is not the only thing unique about us. God made us unique because He created us in His image. He is not a stranger to us.
"If God is Good, Why Isn't Life Fair?" [Question ANSWERED]
You’ll only see God in a situation when you’re looking for Him. God is good, but that doesn't mean everything will be easy going.
When the Enemy Says One Thing... But God Declares Victory!
The illness of my father shook me, but God declares victory in our lives, but it can be a challenge to ignore what the enemy says in this season of Covid19.
Why Do We Celebrate Easter?
Christ Jesus is the reason for the season. we celebrate Easter because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for our sins. Easter brought salvation.
Church Unity Like We Have Never Seen it Before
A few months ago, I felt churches urgently needed to begin exercising their unity muscles for the Glory of God and for their own well-being.
I Heard God Whisper, “Do you know how much I love you?”
When God speaks, it's often a whisper that we need to lean in to hear. I've found this to be true when I heard God whisper the most beautiful words to me.
Sing Until the Whole World Hears You and Responds
It’s amazing to me how a room full of a bunch of terrible, untrained singers who would never get an award for their voice can sound so good.
How To Choose What is Better - Worship Over Work
We all have long to do lists, but we get to choose if we will spend our time in worship or working and striving. God longs for relationship with us.
When You Don't Get The Response You Expected, Don't Quit!
We all can think of those times in life where we felt like we were running on empty. Where we felt lacking. In those times, never give up, keep pouring!
Worship Breaks Down Walls
Worship breaks down walls. A great friend of mine spoke a truth regarding this story the other night at church and I had to share through writing...
3 Key Ways to Hear God's Voice [Video]
Hearing God's voice is a topic that is becoming more searched and more questioned. When it comes down to it, people aren't sure HOW to hear God's voice. This post will discuss 3 keys for hearing God's voice. Along with a link to a video with more on the topic.