Guard Your Heart

These are the words that have been brewing in my mind for months now: guard your heart.Yes, these words say a lot. It's true, your heart is the most important part of the body. It holds all the emotions of every human being.I was talking to someone close to me a few days ago. She was venting out all her sad feelings to me and was nursing a broken heart. I felt the weight of her problem and the heaviness in her heart at that moment as she recounted how her partner cheated on her and left her for another woman. After nearly two years of being together, their relationship had ended.

Related Post: Above All Else, Guard Your Hearts

What a traumatic experience it is for any woman! As they say, heartbreaks can make or break a person. Any break-up or separation is painful. A part of your heart dies. It leaves you feeling empty and drains all the positive energy. Life can become bleak and full of sorrows every single day.So, I gave her a piece of advice and some nuggets of wisdom, and I told her a few things I've learned based on my personal experience and from some women I've encountered over the years.I know I am no expert in love and not even a relationship guru, but I try to share a thing or two:

Honor your pain, but never forget to look on the brighter side.

Every ending is a beginning of something new, something more beautiful. Feel the hurt. Be angry. But do not dwell long in the sea of despair. There is hope and light awaiting you.

Turn your wounds into wisdom.

As the saying goes: no pain, no gain. And it’s downright true. You learn from your heartaches and downfalls. Make your experiences a strong force for you to move forward and bring out the best version of yourself. You will come out a bad relationship stronger and braver. The next time you fall in love and commit yourself to someone, you know how to make reservations for yourself.

God has a purpose for allowing pain into your life. Someday, everything would make sense.

I’ve heard these lines before: God never gives you trial you cannot get through. He has a purpose for everything. Your greatest pain could be your greatest blessing in the future. Trust the process. God knows what He is doing.

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

God heals all wounds, and time heals everything.

Though it’s a cliché, these words are always true. Only God can heal a wounded heart. In His perfect time, He will piece it back together and reward you with a brand new one, and He will teach you to balance how to guard your heart while keeping it open to love.

Let go and let God.

When you let God take over your feelings, He surely gives you inner peace. He knows the very best for you. No doubt about it. Surrender everything to Him.

Learn to love yourself more.

When you learn to love yourself first, you can give more love because you cannot give what you do not have. When you learn to love yourself, you can give a heart that is more pure and sincere.True enough, loving yourself first is not a selfish act. It must be a top priority.

Guard Your Heart and Move Forward with the One who Never Fails

I believe you should not let anybody to break your heart forever. Cry a bucket of tears if you have to. But let the hurts and pains be washed away with tears. Pray and leave everything to God. He is the great healer. He knows all the answers to your 'whys'. It is not easy though. Learn to forgive and to forget. PROTECT YOUR HEART.God knows every detail. He knows everything. Some special people may come and go into your life. Others may turn their back on you, but God will stay. His love is forever.And He holds a future so bright and beautiful for you.


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