The Enemy Wants to Speak to You But So Does God

Often we are listening to the wrong voice when we hear it speak to us. When something bad happens, Satan rarely causes it. Outright demonic oppression is rare. No, your boss is not the devil. But the enemy will certainly try to chatter in your ear when things don't go your way at work this week. That is a fact.

But the greater reality is that Almighty God of the Universe waits to speak His truth into every moment.

And greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 NIV Jesus came into Galilee, beginning His ministry saying, "The Kingdom of God is at hand!" This is good news indeed. The Kingdom of God, the energy, the presence, the blessing, the providence, the power of God is waiting to break into every moment of our lives if we will but reach out and grab it.

Each day, each situation, each moment, we all have the option to decide which voice we will listen to.

God searches the earth to and fro for hearts that are fully submitted to Him, that He may strongly support them. 2 Chronicles 16:9 NIV He is looking for ambassadors that will do His will and see things as He does. To do that, we must not trust in our understanding of the philosophies of this world but consciously choose to ask God constantly, “Lord, what do you see at this moment?" "What is Your Will in this situation?"

Related PostThe Listening Advantage

This post is short, but the point here is powerful and not easily understood or put into practice. But here is what I am challenging you to do today, as I know it will better your life: Seek to build that discipline of the Presence of God this week and the rest of your life. I will too. Let's watch the world change, starting with us.


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