Here's What You Do to Survive Dry Seasons in Your Life

Dry seasons are seasons of life where you don’t feel particularly close with God. Things may or may not be going your way, and you probably don’t understand why you’re in this season. We have all been through dry seasons, myself included. But, how do you get past the dry season, and what is your next step? In this blog, we will look at how to persevere and press on, through your dry season!First, you should ask yourself, what is causing my dry season? Is it a chemical factor within your body like stress, low blood sugar, or health issues? Can it be corrected medically? Are you spending time with God, going to church, and reading your bible? Is your heart aligned with God? If it is within your power to easily fix your “dry season”, do it (but continue reading)!So let’s say you’re in a dry season, you don’t know why, or you can’t control the reason for it – what do you do next? I want to share this YouTube video with you, because Matt Chandler answers it perfectly:


“Wait on The Lord”

I went through a season of waiting on the Lord in the last year. It was my toughest semester of engineering school, juggling far more than I thought I could handle, stressed out all the time. I rarely felt good in that season – like I was confident and winning. My church community had disappeared almost overnight due to significant life events. I thought God had removed his covering from me. One night, on my face, I cried out to God “Why am I here? Why are you not blessing me (In the way I thought I should be) in this season?”

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God replied “My grace is sufficient.”

A fire was lit inside of me. The next 6 months, I was on fire for God. I was a man with a vision for the future, and God was moving in me and through me. I just had to be obedient in that season.If you’re in a season similar to the one I was in where you aren’t sure what is going on, but you feel empty, dry, demotivated, and spiritually dry – just wait on the Lord. Take heart in Him. Know that He is working in the background for you. Press in to your worship even when it is difficult. Wait on The Lord even through the dry seasons!


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