How a Christian Can Have Faith in the Details

As a critical care nurse I have to be very observant of my patients, which means paying attention to details. What is their blood pressure? What is their heart rate? How big are their pupils? Do the pupils constrict? Simple, subtle details that I need to constantly check, because they could be signs of a worsening condition.Like most people, the qualities I practice at work spew into my private life. I love detailed instruction, thought out plans and checking things off my list. The way I am wired makes me good at my job and keeps me organized; however, spiritually it can be a struggle. I often question how I am going to pay off my loans, save for retirement and tithe? I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve been frustrated, prayed to God to show you his plans, because you just can’t figure out what to do or how you’re going to accomplish the task in front of you.I can only wonder if this is how Noah felt when God asked him to build the ark. Imagine Noah’s reaction when God said “Hey man, I know you've spent a lot of years building that big boat but I also need you to take seven pairs of every clean animal, one pair of every unclean animal, and seven pairs of every bird with you.” I don’t know about you, but I would have panicked trying to figure out how I am going to get all those animals. Have you ever tried catching a chicken? That’s hard. I also would've been frustrated because I just spent all this time building what God asked me to build and now he has another ridiculously difficult task!After reading Noah’s story again, I picked up on two details I did not see before.God did not tell Noah to gather all the animals, which is what I always pictured. He simply told him “take with you.”

Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. Genesis 7:2-3 NIV

God never intended for Noah to gather all of the animals, simply to have the ark built so it can carry them.

Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. Genesis 7:8-9 NIV

Life always has us stressing over details. Am I going to make rent this month? Will the test results come back and not be in my favor? How am I going to finish this project on time? We worry about details we cannot control and neglect what we can control. We can control things such as our attitude, our work ethic and our faith. God knows the size of the task he asked of you and he knows your limitations. The question becomes, do you trust Gods limitless power? God took care of the details, like getting the animals to Noah while he was doing his part in building the ark. Noah could have had an attitude of doubt. He could have seen the size of the task and given up. His doubt could have dwindled his faith, but Noah kept building.

Related Post: Keep Walking Up the Stairs

God has not given you a task that he does not intend to help you complete. Even if you don’t have all of the details or know how you can accomplish the task he’s put in your heart, trust in God that it will be done. All he asks is that you have the faith to keep on building your ark. Use your mind to think things through and leave room for Gods unexplainable works. Like Noah, focus on what God has asked you to do and trust that he’ll align the details.


The Calling of Every Christian Right Now is to Be The Messenger


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