Our Lives Are Just A Re-Run | The Christian Lifestyle

What does it mean to live a re-run, in a loop, or a deja vu? Though we have all been created uniquely by God, did it ever cross your mind if He placed some of the qualities of people in the past in us? Have you ever identified similar scenarios in the Bible, for example, that also happened in your personal life?We’re all too familiar with the adage, History repeats itself. Why is that so? Why can’t a certain event be completely different from the past happenings? Is this the norm or does it need to be changed?

Living A Re-Run

These are questions that, for sure, have crossed our minds one way or the other. We may not have all the specific answers. And yet we can confirm that events and places that took place and were written before will also happen now and in the years to come. Written history and the Bible are tangible proof of that.The Lord, our God, knows how man is vulnerable to being tempted. And to get ourselves out of that fallen nature, we need a guide to remind us, rebuke us, and prepare us for what is to come. The testimonies of the disciples who were called by God to share what they have witnessed and experienced serve this purpose.

Testify For God

They were all personal accounts of people who were just like everyone else. They have been tested, tried, failed in some cases, and yet lived out faith according to God’s calling for them. We, too, are all called to do the same.We also failed. Perhaps we have gone through persecution. We may have denied Him at one point in our lives. And we have struggled to live God’s calling for us. But the personal accounts of disciples before us have revealed what would be the turnout of events should we decide to do a particular decision.This decision all boils down to two choices only – live for God or live apart from God. Should we decide to pursue the former, we have the lives of Abraham and all the characters in the Scripture as examples. If we follow the latter, it is also clear in the Bible how our lives here in this world will end and what we are risking.

Am I Living It Right?

Sometimes it is easy to assume that none of the things that happened to other people will happen to us. This is an assumption that life is never a re-run and history never repeats - a challenge to all believers. It happens when we’ve grown complacent that we have been living our lives according to what the Bible says to be right. We've made ourselves believe that indeed our lives will turn out fine.This is where we should always be on guard, however. The absence of trials and troubles in our lives doesn’t mean we’re living life the right way. We are assured of God’s promise of eternal life. In fact, this is what the enemy uses for us to drift away from God and make our faith lukewarm.

Immersing in God’s Daily Reminder Through Scripture

It doesn’t mean, on the other hand, that we pursue trouble so we can share in Christ’s suffering in this world when He was living with mankind. What the Scripture reminds us is to pursue Godly wisdom every day as we go along regardless if we have troubled lives or happy ones.What the disciples went through may or may not be exactly similar to what we are about to go through. Some aspects of our lives may vary differently. And yet the learnings are the same making them similar to a re-run.A daily reminder through God’s Word is, therefore, necessary to help us determine what is the right attitude and the right action to undertake for every event in our lives may it be a big move or a mundane task.

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The Same God Before, Today, & Tomorrow

The same troubles, persecutions, and sufferings happened before and are happening now. The churches before and the churches now all have the same goal of providing a place of refuge and worship to the people. Not much has changed in the history of Christianity and the history of men when compared to what transpires now and this includes our need for a Savior.Lives are lost and lives are born, but the same hope , every human being pursues every single day. We are just living a re-run, which ultimately ends in one fact that never changes all throughout. God remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


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