How I Learned to Start Trusting God Even When It's Hard

The unknown is a scary place. It's a no-man’s land where raw fear manifests in your soul and causes you to doubt everything you ever knew. It's a vast, open expanse of nothing. Dangers are unknown, and shadows lurk in the corners. It's dark here and nothing is recognizable. This is what the unknown feels like and it's terrifying. This is where trusting God comes in.I have been there too many times to count. I have time and time again, fallen to my knees, whispering an anguished prayer. A prayer for peace for my tormented thoughts. My tears are reminders of all that I don’t know, and the things that scare me most.I have loathed not being in on the “know” ever since I was a little girl. It is because I tend to be a control freak, or perhaps it is because I am scared? Scared that things won’t go my way, and scared that if I give up control life will fall apart around me. In an essence, I am a scaredy cat. I am terrified of the unknown and I am often stuck in my ways to relinquish control.

Related Post: Finding Strengths to Let Go When You'd Rather Hold On

God has shown me, I have a problem with trusting in His faithfulness. So, He has been putting me through a trusting period, and it has not been easy. God is weaning me off what I currently know and is showing me a whole new level of faithfulness. He is showing me that He is trustworthy and that He will always be; no matter what. He is healing my heart and teaching me to trust again.Trust is not learned in a day. I still have a long way to go. But it is possible to heal and it is possible to trust again!

Trusting God: Being vulnerable, honest, uncomfortable, and open with Him.

Trusting in the unknown is so hard sometimes. But, I am convinced that God has a beautiful plan for you and me. This is a plan that is better, bigger, and brighter than what we could ever dream for ourselves. It will surpass our understanding and will be able to fit our needs. My favorite verse explains this well.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

God has called each of us to take a leap of faith. He has called us to come walk on water with Him, in the challenging times, during the very worst of our storm. Please don't be like Peter who doubted that he could walk on water with his Savior. (Matthew 14:27-31 NIV)Take a chance by trusting God! Risk your heart, and risk all that you think you know. Put your trust in Him no matter how small it may be, because He only needs it to be as big as a mustard seed.


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