Evidence of Our Spiritual Growth

Have you ever thought, “Am I spiritually growing, and if so, is there evidence of my spiritual growth?”  I know I’ve had those thoughts run through my mind from time to time.  Recently I was listening to pastor Charles Stanley and he did a sermon exactly on this.  The sermon was entitled, “Evidence of Our Spiritual Growth” which was apart of his Growth series.  If you have time, I recommend watching the 30-minute video, but below I outlined Charles’ 15 signs you are growing in your faith.

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I’m keeping this post short so you have plenty of time to reflect on these signs of growth.  Please comment below on which one you feel you are growing or are lacking in.  If you’d rather reach out to us directly at DailyPS please do so via contact@dailyps.com.  We love coming along those that have needs in their spiritual life and/or earthly life.  We promise one of us will read and respond to your email directly.

15 Signs Showing Evidence of Spiritual Growth

  1. We are increasingly aware of our sinfulness and weakness.
  2. Our response to sin in out life is quick, involving genuine repentance.
  3. Our spiritual battles become more intense, and yet we still rejoice.
  4. We use trials and temptations as opportunities for growth.
  5. We view our service to His as a high honor, not a burden.
  6. We are able to view everything as coming from Him. Nobody can do anything to a child of God without God allowing it.
  7. We sense our faith growing stronger. Things we once said, did, want, no longer matter.
  8. We spend more time in worship and praise.
  9. Our desire to obey Him becomes more intense, and sin is less attractive.
  10. We are eager to share what Christ is doing in our life.
  11. We are experiencing an ever-increasing awareness of His presence.
  12. We love to spend time along with God.
  13. We desire to give more.
  14. We have a growing hunger in our heart for God.
  15. We feel God’s love.

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