How Living Your Life for God is Similar to a Refiner's Fire

When you think about the Refiner's fire (as referenced in Malachi 3:3-4), it isn't that the gold or silver completely burns but that it burns away the impurities to make it a purer gold. This process is the way that God deals with sin and human nature in our lives. Christians are not always prepared for this process as it can lead to a plethora of internal upheaval, and it is not comfortable.

"For He is like a refiners fire and like launderers' soap, He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer the Lord an offering in righteousness." - Malachi 3:3-4

As disciples of Christ, one must go through this process of refining to produce the fruits of the spirit. One is not automatically saved, then immediately begins producing all the Fruits of the Spirit in one's life. Sometimes, you must walk with the Lord and experience difficulty for the Lord to achieve the product. A product more like Christ. This cannot be easy, but it is more useful to the kingdom.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control..." - Galatians 5:22

This season may be intense or merely as a slight burn.

God will walk with you through the darkest season of life (if that is what it takes). Many internal struggles and misunderstandings of "why" at times can feel like Job and his own suffering and questioning. Sometimes there isn't merely a physical death but a mental and spiritual death.

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There can be so many things going on inside that it is difficult to comprehend. One can say it's just "emotional" (as many have labeled it), but it's an in-depth knowledge of the personal walk with God, so intimate that only the Lord and individual will understand. This is a season you may have to pull away from everything that was thought to be of God to realize that it isn't, to be pliable to God's will. One may call to God and say: "Where are you?" "Why are you allowing brokenness?" God answered:

"He said I am breaking you down only to rebuild you as Solomon built the temple. "All things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Someone once said, "I am going through a difficult season as well, but I can't show it because I am in the ministry."

This thought process is not an accurate depiction of a real authentic leader. Being in the ministry is not a fake personality. The representation of our walk with Christ should be authentic. If in the ministry or not, we must lift each other up in prayer and be present for one another. The first step is realizing one is broken and asking God, "Why?".Until one entirely seeks the Lord's face, the understanding of the season won't be revealed. David cried out for God to help him daily. It can be imagined of David with his harp in the field, crying out to the Lord:

Lord, listen to me and answer me. I am weak and helpless. Protect me because I worship you. My God, save me, your servant who trusts in you. Lord, have mercy on me because I have called to you all day. Give happiness to me, your servant, because I give my life to you, Lord. Lord, you are kind and forgiving and have a great love for those who call to you.Lord, hear my prayer and listen when I ask for mercy. I call to you in times of trouble, because you will answer me. Lord, there is no god like you and no works like yours. Lord, all the nations you have made will come and worship you. They will honor you. You are great, and you do miracles. Only you are God. Lord, teach me what you want me to do, and I will live by your truth. Teach me to respect you completely. Lord, my God, I will praise you with all my heart, and I will honor your name forever..." - Psalm 86

David begged and pleaded with God throughout the bible. He, too, went through many Refiner's fire moments. God allows these times to bring out more desperation for Him.

I pray today that God continues to keep us in the fire until it's time to come out at the exact and perfect time. We must want to be more like Jesus, to live a life completely sold out to Him. To live a life of victory. He has won death, hell, and the grave through the resurrection. He, too, can bring victory to lives. This is only a season, but it's necessary for growth in Christ.

These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." - 1 Peter 1:7

And I began to cry out Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Be the fire inside of me, take away any impurities as the refiner's fire. Search my heart for any wicked way. Make me more like you, Jesus.


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