How Rest is a Weapon That You Should Take Advantage Of

I've been running 100 miles an hour for as long as I can remember. I came to a screeching halt a few weeks ago. I thought I was having issues with my eyesight. But come to find out, I had a huge tumor that was filled with cysts on my pituitary gland, ready to erupt. The surgery took place only a few days later, and I would have a six-week recovery. After those six weeks began the slow process of trying to figure out what my new normal looked like. You can say I was forced to rest.

"How do you rest?" I would ask myself.

There is just so much to do and so many people to help that this is just not going to work for me. I am supposed to be out there expanding the kingdom of God, so being stuck in my house makes me feel weak and defeated.Learning how to rest must come from Papa God. He is the only one who can teach us how to rest, for it is a daily decision. Anything that is not peaceful is not rest, and it is vital that we stay in a state of rest. Disobedience prevents rest. We can try to take on too much or even things that are not our responsibility. Rest is key in renewal. So how different would we look and be if we stayed in that state?

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Something that I have learned in this is that God always has an agenda in resting. He does not ask us to rest without a significant purpose. Sometimes we may know what that purpose is, and other times we may not, but we must remember that He is the King of the Universe, so He knows what He is doing. We can’t trust the Lord and be anxious simultaneously, for that is not rest. With rest, there is no trust issue.

God only operates out of a state of rest.

He is always at peace. We are called to be Christ-like, meaning little Christ, so we should be guarding our rest and guarding our peace, so it is not taking from us, for it is imperative to life. You will find confidence in rest.I want to be the kind of person that faith rises when I enter the room because Jesus is so alive in me that I exude who He is effortlessly. This faith comes from rest. It comes from thanking Him before you go to bed, asking Him for dreams, and being excited, not stressed when you wake up that next day. This comes from knowing that Papa God is the best dad in the world, and He wants the impossible for us.I challenge you to rest, whatever this looks like in your life. It is not easy; trust me, I am still walking through it as we speak. The fruit of learning rest has already been life-changing, and it is preparing me for the impossible because “all my life circumstances have to come with favor because I am in Christ,” according to Graham Cooke. It is okay not to know what rest looks like, for I did not either.We are daughters and sons of the Most High King, and all He wants us to do is ask because rest is a weapon, and He is longing to give this to us.


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