In the World, Not of It

1 John 2:15–17 (ESV): 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

When a person is living a Christian life, there are three foes they’ll need to contend with. A person must deal with their flesh, the world and the enemy.  In modern times, Christianity islooked at as an exclusive and narrow-minded belief system.  This could not be further from the truth.  In fact, living in the grace of the Lord is the greatest feeling one can experience.  However Christians have allowed many aspects of the ‘world’to creep into their lives.  This is how the world, and the enemy,works.  Slowly, over time, aspects of the secular life take over a Christian life.  This is a warning that we must not be “of” the world but we must be “of” the Lord.  

One of the best functions of my smartphone, is that it trackshow much I use it every week.  It has now become a little competition with myself to see if I can keep lowering my usage.  The first step was completely cutting out social media except when I need to post on my church’s account, which is only once or twice a week.  I cannot express how much clearer my mind has become by not being on social media.  

Social media was created to connect people, but the side effects presents a cause for concern.  On top of being a rabbit hole of time-waste, there are numerous adverse psychologicaleffects on your brain and mood.  The world wants you on social media because it can mainline any type of message straight into your thought process.  Even if you are using it for pure reasons,there is a significant probability that you will be exposed to excess immorality.  

The same can be said about the world of bingeing entertainment.  73% of Americans binge watch an average of three hours and eight minutes of movies or shows every day.  Now, the Christian is called to live an intentional life.  So think about what you can do with an extra three hours every day.  That is a lot of time that can be devoted to health, family and faith.  Yet we are happy to delegate family responsibilities to the school systems which are teaching our children a strictly secular worldview.  In the U.S., literacy rates continue to fall, with an astonishing 54% of adults having a below sixth-grade level reading ability.  I think this one big reason we are seeing people fall away from the faith.  They cannot read the Bible, and thus fall for secular worldviews because they do not know the truth of God.

This world is passing away.  Each and every day we march closer to the time of the return of Christ.  It is vital that everyChristian is living an intentional and devoted life.  We must push back against the world and not allow secular messages to slowly creep into our world views.  We must re-examine our own lives and ensure that we are following Jesus and not the world.

If you are following the world it only ends in sin and death.  If you are following Jesus it only ends in glorious eternity.  I have given you only two examples of the methods employed to lure into idolatry.  There are many more and that is why it is necessary to always have the Bible next to you.  We must measure what the world says against what God says.  The Word of God has not changed and will never change.  Secular beliefs are changing constantly.  You must have an anchor in your life,and that anchor is the scriptures.  They will keep you tethered to the Father and allow you live a holy and pure life.


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