How You Can Begin to Embrace Your Unfiltered Life
Social media and the internet paint an incomplete picture of unfiltered life. Life is often inconvenient, less-than-ideal, and messy. We need to embrace it!
What Fruit are Christians Producing with Their Social Media Interactions?
What fruit do your social media posts produce? Are you spreading love? Or joining in with the negativity of the world? What you share matters!
What's Your Church Selling Online? Social Media and Religion
Do you know what your church selling online? Is your church evangelizing the gospel, or are they advertising for members? They are selling religion.
3 Ways to Disagree on Social Media and Keep Your Testimony
We can respectfully disagree and still genuinely respect people. God's Word offers guidance for walking this fine line on social media.
My Response to the Facebook 10 Year Challenge
Have you shared your Facebook 10 Year Challenge pictures yet? I did. But, as a Christian, my feelings on the topic are different than you may expect.
How Christians Should Be Sharing on Social Media
Did you know that you are supporting everything that you share on social media? It doesn't matter if you're speaking negatively or positively, it all helps the cause you're talking about. Christians need to be sharing differently on social media in 2021.
26% of People Have Deleted the Facebook App - Here's the Problem
Something is happening on Facebook. There is something seriously wrong. But, it's probably not what you think. It's something only we can fix.