JESUS IS... (Entry #3)

For those who may have not read previous posts, I am going through traits or characteristics of Jesus that I found while reading through the book of John recently.  I will recap each week so you can see the complete list, but would also encourage you to read past entries as well if any or all of these interest you.  I figured that if the Bible calls us to be life Christ, then we should understand what He was truly like when he was on Earth.Trait #1: Jesus is the Word (John 1:1-2)Trait #2: Jesus is All Accepting (John 1:12)Trait #3: Jesus Loves the Church (John 2:17)Trait #4: Jesus is a Teacher (John 3:1-21)Adding two more this week...Trait #5: JESUS IS A MAN OF ACTIONJohn 4:7 - "When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, 'Will you give me a drink?'"Have you ever looked back on a situation and wish you had done something different.  Maybe you wish you had talked to that girl/boy you saw across the room, or maybe you wish you had spoken up when someone asked a question of a larger crowd.  This happens to all of us.  I remember specifically a time in high school where I was playing in a golf match with someone I had never met before. I remember very clearly God telling me to talk to him about church and bring up His name in the conversation.  I told myself it wasn't the right time or place and just continued small chit-chat over the 4 hours I was with him.  It was a feeling I'll never forget and always remember that boy as a missed opportunity for God to use me.Jesus took action in this scenario at the well, and in many others He was a part of while on Earth.  He knew that the Samaritan woman wasn't going to say anything to Him based on social norms of the time, so He IMMEDIATELY took action as soon as she came to the well.  He started the conversation, and as a result was able to introduce her to the source for Living Water.  Don't hesitate, take action when an opportunity presents itself and God gives you direction.  You'll regret it if you don't I promise.TRAIT #6: JESUS IS THE TRUTHJohn 5:24 - "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life."I would like to believe that if I saw Jesus I would believe every word that He said.  But if we are being honest, in todays world, if someone came and spoke like He did at that time we might not believe Him just as those didn't believe Him when He was here before.  Jesus made a point here to keep telling the Jewish leaders He was speaking to that He was telling the truth and that He was the Truth.  He even makes it more clear later by saying...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.- John 14:6We have the benefit of reading and seeing this all after it has happened.  But when you see something that God is doing, or hear something from God, don't allow your first response that or doubt or fear.  Allow it to be joy and encouragement knowing that God is still alive and working and He is still and always will be the TRUTH! SO two take-aways here that kind go together.

  1. If God tells you to do something, you should do it immediately and act as a man/woman of action as Jesus did.
  2. Always know that God is TRUTH.  If you hear something or believe that God told you, don't think twice about it or question it, just walk boldly in the Truth He gave you

Struggling is a landmark, not a roadblock.


It's Just Noise