Struggling is a landmark, not a roadblock.

Every human being goes through seasons of struggling in their lives; it is something that we all have in common. Difficult times will look different for each of us. We are all in 1 of these 3 categories: In a difficult season, about to be in one, or just coming out of one. Super negative, right? From the world's perspective it sure is! But what about from God's perspective?In my early twenties my tendency was to give up and go a different direction when a difficult situation would present itself. When there was a 'struggle' I'd search for another way. However, as I grew in my relationship with God, I learned to persevere through these times of difficulty. Once I started persevering, and refusing to just give up, I realized that I experience the growth in my life during my struggles.[easy-tweet tweet="You cannot get where you need to be without going through the trials of today." via="no" hashtags="#DailyPS"]God has taught me over the last few years that my struggles are not roadblocks, they are actually landmarks. These struggles are things that I need to face in order to become who I am supposed to be in Him. Once I really started to understand that the struggles were a necessity for growth, two things happened:

1. I found myself deciding that I had to face them head on and remain positive in doing so.2. After the victory, I found myself saying things like this: "That was the moment when change and growth started. That is what taught me the skills I needed in order to be where I am today."

Since this principle has become part of who I am, I have grown so much! God has started using me to help others who are going through similar situations. All of this is possible only because instead of just giving up or turning a different direction, I trusted God and stayed faithful to Him. I continued to walk the way that He has called me to walk during those seasons.

Related Post: Are you in a difficult season of life?

My perspective on difficult situations has been forever changed! I can't begin to explain the amount of growth that I have experienced because of this.I write this post today not to boast about being able to get through difficult situations, but instead to encourage you to do the same; press on! Start viewing struggling as a landmark, not a roadblock! James 1:2-4 has been a foundational verse for me on this topic:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:2-4

I encourage you today, no matter what you are struggling with, remember that it truly is a landmark, one day you will look back and say: "That was the situation that God used to grow me." Pray for God to give you the grace to persevere through whatever it is that you may be going through. Remember that He loves and cares for you and will help you as long as you remain faithful to Him.

Struggling is a landmark, not a roadblock. Press on through the time of testing and gain the testimony that will enable you to help others in the future!


The American Dream-Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness


JESUS IS... (Entry #3)