The Kingdom of God Is Like a Jigsaw Puzzle

My husband likes to put together jigsaw puzzles. He spills out the puzzle pieces, spreads them out and then sets the box top with the picture of the puzzle upright so he can clearly see it. Can you image how difficult it would be to have the puzzle pieces with no box top? You wouldn’t know what you were building! Likewise, what if all he had was the box top and no pieces to build with? Obviously, the pieces make up the whole, yet the whole needs the individual pieces. The individual pieces don’t make sense until you connect every piece. This is also true of the kingdom of God...

The Kingdom of God Is Like a Jigsaw Puzzle

Unless we understand the big picture of what God is doing and how we not only fit into it individually, but how we connect collectively to bring about His purpose, we could miss the very reason we were called in the first place.

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God’s intention has always been to establish His Kingdom on earth through us, His co-regents. In the gospels alone, the Kingdom of God is spoken of 86 times. Jesus said in Luke 4:43 that preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God is the purpose for which He came. Now as the Father sent Him, He sends us. John 20:21

We don’t hear the preaching of the true gospel much, if at all anymore. Can we even define the Kingdom of God? Do we know its establishment?

The Kingdom of God is spiritual. It’s perizim. (Break-through in Hebrew.) It’s when the ways and will of the King impacts the physical, earthy environment through His ambassadors – you and I. (2 Corinthians 5:20).

In order to establish the rule of the King, we must know Him and have His heart as He reveals Himself to us by the full counsel of His word – not just picking pieces out of it.  To the degree that we are becoming like Him and living according to His instruction in every aspect of our lives, is the degree will be fruitful in establishing His Kingdom on earth.

As each one of us take responsibility for our part we work together in our areas of giftedness.  We all have gifts. We bring about the King’s ultimate purpose; to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.

Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:10 NIV

[Editor’s Note: We are republishing this article to add value to our newer readers.]

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