God's Purposes are Never Diminished, You Are Not Broken

This is a broken, fallen world. You are not broken, but you don't have to look too far for evidence that the fall of man is a reality. If you have lived on this earth for any stretch of time, you have faced things that no one should ever have to face. Things that make your soul cry out, “This is not the way it ought to be."

This reality hits home on a very personal and corporate level.

My spiritual father took his own life. He dedicated his life to birthing a God given vision of establishing a house of God. A house where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is spoken in a mighty and impactful way. Thousands came to a deep and abiding knowledge of Christ. The trajectory of lives and generations will never be the same, because of the influence on the city. My own included.Sitting in the memorial and visiting my first church home, I was consumed with the sense, "This is not how it ought to be." Some of you reading this don't have to work too hard to get there in your mind. This is exactly where you are right now. You feel broken, but you are not broken.

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have overcome the world." -  John 16:33 NIV

Notice Jesus does not skip the subject. Trials are a part of this existence; pain and anguish are on the way. We must decide and declare that indeed Jesus is our hope in the storms of life.

"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary." - Hebrews 6:19 NLT

Through Jesus we have victory over sin and death, and the brokenness of this world. Not because of any strength of our own but because of our relationship with the Father. And because of the Life we have by the Spirit of God in our hearts through faith in Jesus Christ.

Related Post: The One Who Saves Us is Also the One Who Sustains Us

During my visit, I was also consumed with the truth that God's purposes are not diminished. On the day of his memorial, there was also a wedding. Two lovers came to Jesus Christ in the church he helped established. They met, fell in love, and got married. But on this broken day, the Gospel, prayers and worship were proclaimed and offered up to Our God. As I walked out of service, the church was awash in life. Smiles and hugs; families and children.

The cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ is undeniable proof that God brings Life from death.

What the enemy meant for evil, God uses to build His Kingdom. God uses ALL things for the good of those who love him and he calls us according to his purposes. Stopping God is not possible. He is good and He is Mighty. He is relentless. And His love has overcome the world.In this world, you will have trouble. Some days will be darker than you could ever imagine. But the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5. So whatever you face, take heart. For Our Anchor, Our Hope, Our Savior, Our Friend, has overcome the world.

Always remember that you are not broken! God has a purpose for your life.


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