Use the Momentum God Creates

So its still technically college football season since the National Championship hasn't been played yet so I figured I could get away with using football as part of my post for at least one more week.Im sitting here writing this while wearing my Tennessee Volunteers shirt proudly since they beat Northwestern fairly handily in the Outback Bowl just a few days ago.  I enjoyed watching it and while it was technically the lsat game of the 2015 season, it was in many ways the beginning of the 2016 season.  Once the Vols had a comfortable lead, the announcers started talking about next year.  It's what every team does as soon as you realize the season is over..."theres always next year!"But the way Tennessee ended the season created excitement and anticipation for the following year that in turn creates expectation from everyone who claims to know what they are talking about.  With not too many players leaving and a good number of our most valuable players returning, people are already saying they are the favorite to win their division in the conference and maybe even compete for something bigger.  Now let me get something clear...that is not me!  I know better than to create those expectations, but I will let people talk about it all they want.But all this got me thinking about the New Year and how we can apply this to our lives, and even how God/Jesus used this throughout the Bible.Think about how God had armies winning battles, only to go on and win more and more.  He used the momentum from the first one to carry onto others. Old TestamentWhat about Moses and the escape from Egypt.  God used the momentum that Moses created to propel His chosen people to The Promised Land (not without their struggles of course). Exodus 14Or even as far back as Noah.  God used the momentum of Noah agreeing to follow God's plan, as a way to carry out His Will. Genesis 5How about Jesus?  He used the momentum of miracles throughout His life to build a strong team of disciples and followers.  He used the momentum of the disciples to send them out and create more disciples.  Luke 5Jesus used the cross at calvary and His death as momentum for His resurrection.  And then He used that momentum to send us the Holy Spirit. Mark 15God has been using momentum long before college football announcers coined the phrase, but the concept is the same.  We should realize what we have done, and the good that God has done in our lives to use it as momentum for the next season.  In terms of New Year's resolutions, use 2015 as a springboard into 2016!  Think about all the good that has happened before you completely disregard last year, and use all of that knowledge to charge forward with confidence into this next year!As my pastor always says when entering the new year...this will be your best year yet, if it is your best year spiritually!Happy New Year!


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