You are the CEO of your life

I was in a business meeting with some of my colleagues this week and heard the most simple, yet profound thing from a friend of mine. She said "You are the CEO of Your life. YOU get to decide to promote or demote the things in your life that do not keep you focused on where you are headed."...let that sit for a moment. Boom! Spiritually that knocked me back a little bit! Sometimes it is so easy for us to forget the power that we possess within ourselves given by the Holy Spirit. If we aren't careful we can even lead our own thoughts to the dreaded victim know "the whole world is against me and I can't change anything about it" mentality. We hear people talking about boundaries and getting rid of the negative in our lives, but sometimes we just don't feel like we have control or power over our trials, but we do!I immediately realized my friend was absolutely right and the power behind what she said. So many of us have a goal, a purpose for our life, but we often times allow so many distractions to knock us off our path: whether it be as little as playing a game (cough "CANDY CRUSH" cough) or as big a deal as the relationships we keep around us. This can be difficult to accept especially when you are a people pleaser like I naturally am! Here are 4 areas that I want you to truly mediate and pray on. These areas are prone to big distractions and we have to combat in these areas in order to move forward towards becoming the person God has called us to be!

  1. Time- What things in your life are you giving your time too? Do you spend more time on Facebook than with the friend right in front of you? Or are you taking millions of pictures with your children for your instagram...possibly not allowing a memory to fully be created with you? Our time here is so short and we must steward it wisely. Be the CEO and have the strength to demote those distractions!

"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Eph 5:15-17

  1. Relationships- This goes for dating relationships, family members, and for friendships. If you are dating someone, make sure to be on the same page by letting them know where you believe God has called you and let them know your standards right from the start. You' be surprised at how much more attractive you are when you have the confidence to do so. In friendships, people are constantly changing and some friendships are only seasonal and we need to learn how to smoothly transition from into the next season without leaving hurt. Some friendships and family relationships are just plain toxic. If you are surrounded by someone who is extremely negative and is consistently causes more stress in your life than good...maybe it's time to demote their position in your life. Some might be limiting time, others might be completely walking away. It can be hard and sometimes if not done correctly, you can really end up hurting from it, so really seek God on the best way to let go or take a step back. You will need His guidance.

"Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

  1. Habits- Some of us bite our nails, eat too many sweet, can have lazy tendencies, gossip or something else. We all have bad habits that we wish we could change, some more severe than others. Think about the bad habits in your life that are causing strife, confusion, or corruption. The same habits that take your time and energy away from trying to fix what they have created. These can be a huge distraction that is detrimental over time. The Bible says many things about overcoming our bad habits:

"That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of the mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Ephesians 4:22-24

  1. Attitude- This is my favorite, because I wasn't always the most positive person internally, but I made a choice to change it and you can to! We don't always have control over our environment, but we do have the ability to choose what we allow in our minds and how we are going to react to it. Maybe it's time to demote your negative thought life. Maybe you need to finally have a talk with yourself about God's ability to forgive you. Our brain has the incredible ability to not only filter, but actually change the thoughts and memories that we have created (Read "Who switched off my Brain "by Dr. Caroline Leaf )

"Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world"- Philippians 2:14-15January 1st was the first blank page of a 365 paged book. It's YOUR chance to write a new story for 2016. If you haven't fully started, start now! You are the hero and you are the CEO of your life company... go change the world one page and one life at a time!Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father,Today I pray at the bottom of Your throne and I claim the power of Your victorious righteousness over my brothers and sisters reading this today. I pray for a renewing of strength within their spirits! I pray that you get them operating in full wisdom so that they can operate as the CEO's of their lives and that they can begin to get their company (ministry, family, work, etc) fully up and running and thriving for You and Your Kingdom! I pray that they are filled with Your peace and comfort as they make not only the daily decisions, but the tough life-changing decisions. Father, partner them with other Spirit filled CEO's so that they can bring change to their city and inevitably this world! I thank you for Your mighty Warriors that have demoted in order to allow you to promote the important things in their lives! I pray in Jesus might name and strength Amen.


It's Christ or Nothing


Use the Momentum God Creates