"Once Saved Always Saved" - What Do You Think? [Poll]

Once saved always saved is a statement many Christians have pondered for themselves. Others have fought to defend what they believe to be the "correct" answer. For us at Daily PS, this is a topic that we have received a lot of questions about. We decided to put together a poll, which is 100% anonymous. We'd love to receive your feedback!

Related Post: Am I really saved? (Will I make it to Heaven?)

But more importantly than the yes or no answer below, we'd love to hear WHY. If you're comfortable with it, please leave a comment below.We are going to edit this post later and display the most helpful answers from both sides.Also feel free to share links and content from other websites that may help people to decide how to answer this question for themselves. We'll be sure to share that as well.One request that we have is to help us out by sharing this post. We want to get as many people to answer and respond as possible. This is our first like this, and we'll happily share more like this if it is helpful and we have some good engagement.

What do you think? Once Saved Always Saved?

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Before commenting, please remember that DailyPS is a friendly community. We are not looking for heated arguments or rude comments. This needs to come out of a place of love to help others. We'll quickly shut this post down if the comments head in the wrong direction.Here is a link which contains 76 Bible verses about salvation. Read some of them and do some of your own research on the topic!

Scroll down to join the conversation! Don't forget to share your response and this post on social media.


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