Outlook Determines Outcome

You are faced with a situation and have two choices: positive thoughts or negative thoughts. Any thought that we host in our mind is one or the other and the thought that we feed will be the one that resonates in our hearts and the one we express towards others. The simple and seemingly meaningless perception of a situation can have the most meaningful impact in the long run. From thought to heart and heart to action, it all starts with the way we perceive our situation. Our internal thoughts will eventually be expressed in our actions. It is easy to suppress a negative thought and live in bondage or express a positive thought and live in freedom.About a month ago, I was playing ultimate Frisbee when I jumped up and landed and tore my ACL and partially tore my meniscus. I had a choice to make at that moment that would affect the next 9 months, considering my doctor said no running for 6 months and no sports for 9 months. There were two ways to perceive my situation: do I find the positive in this or do I dwell on what I cannot change? I had to tell myself that I was going to make the best of this situation and it has been a great opportunity to show the Spirit of joy in a situation that tested my carnal joy. If my joy was in my circumstances, I would have been devastated because Lord knows I am like a child in the backseat on a cross-country road trip. Our joy is permanent in the Lord and His promises and we are able to rest assured in that. Jesus finished the work on the cross and imparts joy into our lives through the Holy Spirit. A joy that never fails.What circumstances are we facing at this moment that is stealing our joy? How are we going to perceive our earthly circumstances? Does our joy lie in the joy of the Lord or in the roller coaster joy of our circumstances? Our outlook will determine our outcome. Although the situation may seem negative, the response can always be positive.Romans 15:13 - Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.2 Corinthians 10:5 - We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.


Temporal or Eternal? Worldly or Heavenly?


There is No Such Thing as Time