Sowing Seeds in Our Community

I’m sure we’re all well aware that charity is a fundamental Christian practice.

After all, it is one of the most centric ideas of the Bible- the concept of selfless giving to those who need it, to please and honor God and His creation.

But giving things away takes time, energy, and sometimes even money. We can start to view it as a chore when we don’t understand the importance of putting our best efforts into the world. 

In 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, Paul writes:

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

The problem isn’t charity in and of itself; it’s how we’ve been taught to view ourselves and others in the modern world.

Today, we are hyper-individualistic. We focus on ourselves, our goals, our lives, and our finances above all else. We seem to have lost an important sense of community, and a desire to grow EVERYONE together in God’s image.

If we look at the most wealthy, ‘successful’ people today, we know that they have reached that point by prioritizing their gain over a happy society.

The richest people in the world give money to save face, donating a tiny fraction of their income to charities to appear charitable and kind. But their wealth combined could very easily end world hunger; their lobbying dollar could stop wars; their hoarding of money benefits no one but themselves and their families. 

Because we look up to these personalities so much, we start to view ourselves as lone wolves. We lose the joy of relationships and community for materialism, self-satisfaction, and greed.

A simple fix to a lot of problems we have today is just remembering that every person on this Earth is a creation made in God’s image, a whole being, regardless of their class or status.  When we start to view others as equals, we forge a strong sense of togetherness. It’s easier to fight back against corruption and consumption when we are fighting on the same side. Think back to the concept of sowing seeds. Sure, when we volunteer, donate, or help out, we feel good about ourselves. But at the same time, we are planting those little seeds of hope and happiness throughout our community. 

When we give back to others, we feel personally fulfilled and aligned with God’s plans, but we’re also helping others to see His goodness, and empowering them to make better choices and live more rounded lives. Whether you’re helping plant trees or hack alien plants, volunteering with underprivileged children, or feeding the hungry, you are building a better world and honoring God’s beautiful creation; offering your time and skills to protect our Earth.

In that way, we reap what we sow when we eliminate environmental threats, uplift the marginalized, and protect the innocent. We help lower crime done out of desperation, and the damage done by corporations, and improve our quality of life by making things better for others.

So, embrace charity by giving your time, resources, and money if you can. Ultimately, you are showing respect to God and His gifts to us, whether they’re plants, humans, or animals. 

If you are looking for a way to honor God while improving your own life and situation, volunteering is free, fun, and rewarding. And if you have funds to donate, be at peace knowing your money is going to a good cause instead of spontaneous Uber Eats.  Look for organizations whose mission you agree with, and reach out to offer your skills. A simple Google search could be a gateway to a life-changing opportunity and experience.

Learn to love giving. If God has reminded us so many times to provide for others in need, we know it’s crucial for building a world He is proud of.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Let me give selflessly and happily to those in need; viewing them as my equals under You. 

Help me understand the importance of community for spreading your word and helping others. 

I pray that you use my life as a vessel to bring others peace, joy, and fulfillment. I offer myself as a gift to those around me in honor of Your love.



Stewardship with Colossians