The Prayer After the Audacious Prayer

We’ve all been there. After praying feverishly about something big and audacious, God sometimes gives us exactly what we asked for. Whether we’ve been granted permission to adopt a child, been given a promotion into management, or been selected for a full-time overseas mission, being a good steward with God’s trust becomes paramount.

Related Article: 3 Reasons to Spend Time With God

That’s why it’s very important to follow-up an answered prayer with an additional plea to God’s ear—asking for the wisdom and courage to endure. If you’re in that phase of life right now and don’t know what to pray about, let’s pray right now together:

Follow-Up Prayer

Dear Lord,Thank you for answering our big and audacious prayers. We couldn’t be more grateful of your provision.At the same, we’re scared. We don’t want to ruin what or who you’ve given us. We want to be the best we can be with the gifts you have given us, but we don’t trust ourselves.So we ask for wisdom, strength, and humility to carry your blessings well. We may not trust ourselves, but we trust you.  Please give us the ability be like you as we take in a needy child, lead people at work, receive a large sum of money, enter the full-time mission field, and etc. Let our presence decrease and your presence increase.With all glory to you and in Jesus’ name,Amen.

Follow-Up Scripture

In addition to follow-up prayer, we should meditate on scripture during a season of increased responsibility and increased trust.  There are several verses in the Bible that are great for this, but we are a few highlights:

2 Corinthians 2:14 - But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. (ESV)Colossians 4:2 - Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. (ESV)


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